This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Friday, June 16, 2017
One Term Mayor?!
Rumor has it the GOP has a candidate interested for the office of Mayor that would turn The front office Red for the first time in thirty years! We were blown away when we heard the name but unfortunately that's all we can say for now!
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Breaking News : After Lasing from Julie, Mayor ones Tue Reach Deal to keep Tuey
More details later but Tuey will be making at least 20k more according to sources maybe more
Friday, June 9, 2017
Tuey turns down 19k Raise to stay as Kingston Comptroller, Noble Leaves City Hall in Panic
After John Tuey announced unexpectedly that he was resigning to become Rockland County Rra , or the equivalent of what the Ulster Rra is here. Mayor Noble went to the council to ask their permission to try and keep John Tuey at any cost which the council voted 8-0 giving Mayor Steve Noble permission to do just that. Mayor Noble according to multiple sources offered Tuey $115, 000 a year to stay as Comptroller for the city with a five year contract. A generous 19k increase to the 96k Tuey currently is paid. Tuey had Mayor Noble on the edge of his seat until the last minute, we hear it was at a going away party that took place at city hall yesterday that Mayor Noble got confirmation that Tuey wasn't changing his mind and was done. Tuey started to give remarks about his time as Comptroller and Noble left before Tuey could finish. Where to?! That's a question city hall staffers were left wondering because it wasn't back to the Mayor's office, where the doors were locked and lights were off, well before the cake was cut according to several close to the situation yesterday. We assume of course he had to do the walk of shame over to the recreation center to an angry Mayor Julie Noble's office to see what to do next. Julie too disgusted to walk across the street herself, after Steve couldn't manage to keep Tuey.
It wasn't about money to all though, according to those familiar with the situation. Beside a new job offer that may or may not even exist....we assume it does exist. What had Tuey seeking new employment in the first place was Mayor Steve Noble himself and not even an extra 22k a year, which would have made him the highest paid employee in the city could change that. Makes you wonder how bad must it be over there at city hall where Tuey was able to deal w Mayor Shayne Gallo for four years and his bipolar outbursts?! In the end Tuey could deal with mental instability but not major incompetence in a Mayor more interested in bike lanes and composting than saving Kingston money. Tuey wanted off the sinking ship known as the Noble administration before the inevitable tax hikes started that Tuey as Comptroller saw coming a mile away to pay for Noble's alt left agenda to radically change Kingston.
Tuey played his cards perfectly, he leaves the city with reputation intact elevated by Mayor Noble who begged him to stay when all outside observers agreed that a new Comptroller for less than the current 96k annual salary Tuey made after being with the City for close to a decade was an easy decision. The budget session is far enough away that there is plenty of time to get a new Comptroller up to speed. Mayor Noble has a week now to scramble and replace Tuey or temporarily put Deputy Comptroller Crystal Knox in the job while he does a more detailed search.
Friday, June 2, 2017
Breaking News: DiFalco Out as Ulster Indy Boss; Bernardo Returns to the Helm
A complaint filed with the state board of elections was determined by officials to be creditable over an alleged backroom deal between newly elected Ulster County Independence Chairman Joe DiFalco and Ulster Republican Party Don Roger Rascoe had been conspiring in backroom deals where DiFalco as Indy party boss promised the GOP Don that hr would only consider supporting Repiblican candidates. As a result DiFalco has been stripped as Chairman and long time party Chairman Len Bernardo is back in charge just in time for endorsements. Joe DiFalco still may have a silver lining in all this, we hear he will soon be inducted as the shortest tenured party Chairman of all time by Guiness World Records. A recent fundraiser by the county Independence Party held last week in Kingston under DiFalco's leadership will not be allowed to be used by the party. We know under Bernardo a fair endorsement process will take place and candidates will get endorsed on merit not the major party line that is supporting them.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Breaking News: Kingston City Comptroller Resigns to take gig as Rockland County Comptroller
Poor Steve Noble with Tuey running the financials of city government and Kevin Bryant a cunt hair away from being the top Judge in the state and the city's economic development office non existent we literally have a zoo keeper running city hall!!!! It was rumored when Tuey who has been out of the office all week told Mayor Noble a stream of urine could be seen running down his organically made hemp pants. Will someone stop the insanity!!!! Please just Stop the insanity. Now that the conventions are coming up we will be posting regularly between now and November, we promise starting with the GOP convention tomorrow night.
Poor little Stevie, well at least he's got that super model to go home to every night that would cheer me up. Congrats to John Tuey he's got a big job ahead of him Rockland county's financies are in big shit just ask anyone that works for State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli so for him to get that job that says wonders of the job Tuey was doing.l
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Major Update on tbe Reteirnment of Justice Karen Peters Monday
As well as our endorsement of Kingston Lawyer Kevin Bryant to succeed Justice Karen Peters
Bryant, a Democrat, is a graduate of SUNY Ulster, SUNY New Paltz and earned
his Juris Doctorate from Albany Law School.
He has serviced as an assistant district attorney, assistant public defender and assistant town attorney. Currently he is the Cooperation Council for the City of Kingston.
He has serviced as an assistant district attorney, assistant public defender and assistant town attorney. Currently he is the Cooperation Council for the City of Kingston.
We are hearing many of the delegates that are making this decision such as high profile lawyers like Eli Basch are breaking with Party Chairman favorite Frank Cardinale.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
New Rules
No this is not a segment of Bill Maher's closing thoughts but new rules for this thing of ours. This blog was made for the free exchange of ideas, to allow comments free of moderation and to provide local political gossip that regular newspapers wont publish and yes to entertain you.
We will continue to do all of those things and we will do so on a regular basis but we will do so with respect to all those involved in our thing, including their family both on a city and county level.
We fostered a climate were it was ok to denegrate people because we disagree with them, instead of challenging their ideas and offering solutions. For that we apologize, it was a disservice to you our readers and to ourselves the authors of this blog.
Specifically we are refering to the Noble's. The fact of the matter is that he is the Mayor of this City and deserves our respect and his wife is not off limits because she contributes to the administration and we think that's a good thing but she is to be judged on her ideas and performance not on anything else. Julie Noble has a lot to contribute to the city that can make it better and her role should be like a co- Mayorship in our opinion.
I was at a committee budget meeting many years ago when Julie and Steve put their jobs on the line going against Mayor Sottile's back and straight to the common council to get their jobs full time and to get benifits for their positions. They pretty much stated point of fact this is the work we do, we need benefits or we are leaving and these programs will not continue because noone else can do them effectively. This pissed off Mayor Sottile a great deal but they stood their ground and got people like Paula Childs to come to the council committee budget meetings and advocate for their positions and took abuse from Alderwoman Jen Ringwood, Mayor Sottile and others that were not happy with them challenging the system but they got their benefits.
Then again last year, my friend Mayor Gallo everyone knew probably had some temperment issues and everyone in the Democratic party wanted him gone but noone was willing to run, when Steve decided to run he was openly laughed at till the very end of the primary. Steve and his wife put up with abuse at the hands of Mayor Gallo and others but Steve Noble stood up and again risked his job and the livelihood of his family to take on a system he felt needed to be changed against long shot odds and he won.
Mayor Steve Noble and us will not agree on a lot politically but he is not just a guy with the right last name that got lucky. Mayor Noble and his wife took determined action and challenged a sitting Mayor and won, that took balls. For that he has our respect and admiration.
We will continue to do all of those things and we will do so on a regular basis but we will do so with respect to all those involved in our thing, including their family both on a city and county level.
We fostered a climate were it was ok to denegrate people because we disagree with them, instead of challenging their ideas and offering solutions. For that we apologize, it was a disservice to you our readers and to ourselves the authors of this blog.
Specifically we are refering to the Noble's. The fact of the matter is that he is the Mayor of this City and deserves our respect and his wife is not off limits because she contributes to the administration and we think that's a good thing but she is to be judged on her ideas and performance not on anything else. Julie Noble has a lot to contribute to the city that can make it better and her role should be like a co- Mayorship in our opinion.
I was at a committee budget meeting many years ago when Julie and Steve put their jobs on the line going against Mayor Sottile's back and straight to the common council to get their jobs full time and to get benifits for their positions. They pretty much stated point of fact this is the work we do, we need benefits or we are leaving and these programs will not continue because noone else can do them effectively. This pissed off Mayor Sottile a great deal but they stood their ground and got people like Paula Childs to come to the council committee budget meetings and advocate for their positions and took abuse from Alderwoman Jen Ringwood, Mayor Sottile and others that were not happy with them challenging the system but they got their benefits.
Then again last year, my friend Mayor Gallo everyone knew probably had some temperment issues and everyone in the Democratic party wanted him gone but noone was willing to run, when Steve decided to run he was openly laughed at till the very end of the primary. Steve and his wife put up with abuse at the hands of Mayor Gallo and others but Steve Noble stood up and again risked his job and the livelihood of his family to take on a system he felt needed to be changed against long shot odds and he won.
Mayor Steve Noble and us will not agree on a lot politically but he is not just a guy with the right last name that got lucky. Mayor Noble and his wife took determined action and challenged a sitting Mayor and won, that took balls. For that he has our respect and admiration.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Kingston Conservative Chair Cahill Recruiting Candidates
The City of
Kingston Conservative Party is calling on residents who are opposed to
the common council’s approval of a resolution declaring Kingston
a sanctuary city to defeat the six members who supported the move when
their terms are up
“The residents of this city do not want to be a sanctuary city, but the only way to overturn this action is by changing the members of the common council,” said Conservative Chairman Richard Cahill Jr.
The issue is not one of political parties, but “about city residents regardless of party affiliation fighting to take back their city from a far left wing ideology being forced upon it by the mayor and common council majority,” he said.
Cahill said efforts are already underway for the Conservative Party to “team up with other local parties in a joint effort to restore the city.”
The party had “someone of prominence express interest” in running for mayor in 2019. “This candidate has never sought office before, but I believe would have an excellent chance to win,” Cahill said. He did not identify the individual.
So the above was posted on and in spirit we agree, we feel that a change to the common council is needed. We think the best seats to target for 2017 are the following: Ward1, Ward 2, Ward 3 and Ward 7
Ward 1 is a traditionally Republican Ward and the current representative won a Democratic primary and has never run in a general election. Her voting record is 100% w the Noble Administration, not only is the seat winnable but it should be targeted.
Ward 2 is tough it's been a Democratic ward for some time and the enrollment strongly favors that it would lean Democratic. However, there are a lot of voters that live above the storefronts in uptown Kingston that are not happy w the paid parking plan for municipal meters and Koop recently missed a council meeting to vote on the city budget! This is also another Alderman that has never faced a general election opponent before.
Ward 3 is winnable for a few reasons, the controversy surrounding Alderman Will and his resignation and the appointment of a guy to take his seat backed by Will. This guy Alderman Scott-Childress may be the most liberal member of the council. He took his wife's last name when he got was Scott. What man takes his wife's name? Snowflake Alert! This should be a targeted race and former Alderman Walker can take this seat back easy.
Ward 7 If the rumors of MA Mills not seeking reelection are true then there is a great candidate in the Republican party that can run and win this seat back. Former Alderman Reynolds will not be running is my understanding. On a side note if MA Mills does choose to run for reelection we feel that she should be reelected to another term. We are not really advocating taking back the seat in 7 but retaining the leadership that would be lost if Mills chooses to retire at the end of the year.
With all that being said if the Conservative Party wants to help that's great but they do not have the resources or brain power required to take on the Democratic machine. Don Ryan is not the brightest, we like Bounten and respect Cahill's knowledge of the city and issues but not his ability to organize and lead. The Republican party needs to step up, Joe Ingarra needs to stand up and take this on, he's the chairman, he's competent and tough but all that means nothing if he doesn't do the work. Being Chair is not about a title especially if you are chair of a committee that's known for losing elections. The Kingston Republican committee has fresh blood, they are motivated and the current Mayor and local Democratic party are at the weakest they have ever been. Which is still nine times stronger then the Republican City committee...which means the gop has to work 10 time as hard and they have to foster solid relationships with other party's as Chairman Cahill suggests. There is no room for ego or stubbornness if we want to win back city government or even if we want a seat at the table.
“The residents of this city do not want to be a sanctuary city, but the only way to overturn this action is by changing the members of the common council,” said Conservative Chairman Richard Cahill Jr.
The issue is not one of political parties, but “about city residents regardless of party affiliation fighting to take back their city from a far left wing ideology being forced upon it by the mayor and common council majority,” he said.
Cahill said efforts are already underway for the Conservative Party to “team up with other local parties in a joint effort to restore the city.”
The party had “someone of prominence express interest” in running for mayor in 2019. “This candidate has never sought office before, but I believe would have an excellent chance to win,” Cahill said. He did not identify the individual.
So the above was posted on and in spirit we agree, we feel that a change to the common council is needed. We think the best seats to target for 2017 are the following: Ward1, Ward 2, Ward 3 and Ward 7
Ward 1 is a traditionally Republican Ward and the current representative won a Democratic primary and has never run in a general election. Her voting record is 100% w the Noble Administration, not only is the seat winnable but it should be targeted.
Ward 2 is tough it's been a Democratic ward for some time and the enrollment strongly favors that it would lean Democratic. However, there are a lot of voters that live above the storefronts in uptown Kingston that are not happy w the paid parking plan for municipal meters and Koop recently missed a council meeting to vote on the city budget! This is also another Alderman that has never faced a general election opponent before.
Ward 3 is winnable for a few reasons, the controversy surrounding Alderman Will and his resignation and the appointment of a guy to take his seat backed by Will. This guy Alderman Scott-Childress may be the most liberal member of the council. He took his wife's last name when he got was Scott. What man takes his wife's name? Snowflake Alert! This should be a targeted race and former Alderman Walker can take this seat back easy.
Ward 7 If the rumors of MA Mills not seeking reelection are true then there is a great candidate in the Republican party that can run and win this seat back. Former Alderman Reynolds will not be running is my understanding. On a side note if MA Mills does choose to run for reelection we feel that she should be reelected to another term. We are not really advocating taking back the seat in 7 but retaining the leadership that would be lost if Mills chooses to retire at the end of the year.
With all that being said if the Conservative Party wants to help that's great but they do not have the resources or brain power required to take on the Democratic machine. Don Ryan is not the brightest, we like Bounten and respect Cahill's knowledge of the city and issues but not his ability to organize and lead. The Republican party needs to step up, Joe Ingarra needs to stand up and take this on, he's the chairman, he's competent and tough but all that means nothing if he doesn't do the work. Being Chair is not about a title especially if you are chair of a committee that's known for losing elections. The Kingston Republican committee has fresh blood, they are motivated and the current Mayor and local Democratic party are at the weakest they have ever been. Which is still nine times stronger then the Republican City committee...which means the gop has to work 10 time as hard and they have to foster solid relationships with other party's as Chairman Cahill suggests. There is no room for ego or stubbornness if we want to win back city government or even if we want a seat at the table.
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
The Omerta Report 2017 Begins
On Friday Donald Trump will be sworn in as President of the United States and we couldn't be more excited. The family goes a long way back w Donald Trump from our construction days... we controlled the unions, not a single concrete slab was laid down without going through us and Trump's companies were no different. We had a great system if the contractors would not use our concrete companies we wouldn't break their legs or fit them for concrete shoes, we would just send in our union delegate to check every car and piece of machinery that went onto that particular job site each morning to make sure it was up to union codes. From the materials to the tire pressure of the machines...We shut their business down to a halt with this one foreman checking every little detail all day, no work would get started and the contractor would lose hundreds of thousands a day. By day two or three, they would come around and see that our number did work for them. We made a lot money in construction in those days. Back to the point, Trump will be our President, hes smart and shrewd and we are confident he will Make America Great Again.
Mayor Noble gave his State of the City address and if one thing is clear its that this guy lacks leadership. Noble spoke in generalities about making Kingston green and sustainable and focused heavily on promoting an alt left agenda that included making Kingston a Sanctuary city and composting. The usual lets work together..blah blah. No mention of economic development, no mention of his campaign promise to bring free wifi to Midtown Kingston through a public private partnership. No mention about anything of substance really. Mayor Noble did mention again that he was working with the county to merge city bus, which would save Kingston money. That bus system runs at a huge deficit and the county could provide the same services and get that off Kingston's back.
Mayor Noble did get his crowd of snow flakes to fill city hall in favor of his resolution to make Kingston a sanctuary city with public comments from both sides going until about 1030pm. To us we could care less who lives here and what their legal status is..if they are here and happy and love are city we say salute, God bless. The issue is the financial impact such a move could have on our city, if Trump pulls federal funding to Kingston, we stand to lose over 1.8 million in federal aid and the potential federal grants we could lose we will never know the $ lost there. Money that will go to other Cities that are less qualified and less worthy. And for what? So Mayor Noble can pat himself on the back that he got passed a meaningless resolution and put every single resident of Kingston at risk in the process. This isn't about principal, Governor Cuomo has already made NY a sanctuary state and while Albany may forget sometimes, Kingston is a part of the state of New York.
Tuesday's display showed how out of touch our Mayor is, he had a crowd of paid activists and out of towners from Citizen's Action cheer him on like this is what Kingstonians want. Maybe a majority do but I will bet any amount of money that's not their main focus. How about a memorializing resolution to bring a big distributor to Kingston, or a tenant in the Kingston Business Park. Noble is an elitist that went home to Roosevelt Park after that resolution passed thinking he did something good but I ask you all: What good has he done for the average Kingstonian?! His priorities are ass backwards and he fails to take a stand on the important issues facing this community.
In other city news we here rumors that Alderwoman Maryanne Mills (D-w7) will not seek reelection to a third term this November. The ward leans Democratic but could be in contention for Republicans in an open seat. Unless of course former Democratic Alderman Bill Reynolds decides to make a run for his old seat.
On a County level we had to laugh that County Executive Mike Hein promoted his rail trail as something that would boost the local economy and make Ulster a destination community, a project that is untested and we have no idea what will happen...ok so thats his opinion on the results, gotcha. The funny part is that his comments come a week after the Catskill Mountain Railroad, that got fucked over to build that stupid trail and has a solid track record, reported that it did over a million in sales this year. Not to mention what the railroad has done for Uptown Kingston business owners during the holiday season.
Mayor Noble gave his State of the City address and if one thing is clear its that this guy lacks leadership. Noble spoke in generalities about making Kingston green and sustainable and focused heavily on promoting an alt left agenda that included making Kingston a Sanctuary city and composting. The usual lets work together..blah blah. No mention of economic development, no mention of his campaign promise to bring free wifi to Midtown Kingston through a public private partnership. No mention about anything of substance really. Mayor Noble did mention again that he was working with the county to merge city bus, which would save Kingston money. That bus system runs at a huge deficit and the county could provide the same services and get that off Kingston's back.
Mayor Noble did get his crowd of snow flakes to fill city hall in favor of his resolution to make Kingston a sanctuary city with public comments from both sides going until about 1030pm. To us we could care less who lives here and what their legal status is..if they are here and happy and love are city we say salute, God bless. The issue is the financial impact such a move could have on our city, if Trump pulls federal funding to Kingston, we stand to lose over 1.8 million in federal aid and the potential federal grants we could lose we will never know the $ lost there. Money that will go to other Cities that are less qualified and less worthy. And for what? So Mayor Noble can pat himself on the back that he got passed a meaningless resolution and put every single resident of Kingston at risk in the process. This isn't about principal, Governor Cuomo has already made NY a sanctuary state and while Albany may forget sometimes, Kingston is a part of the state of New York.
Tuesday's display showed how out of touch our Mayor is, he had a crowd of paid activists and out of towners from Citizen's Action cheer him on like this is what Kingstonians want. Maybe a majority do but I will bet any amount of money that's not their main focus. How about a memorializing resolution to bring a big distributor to Kingston, or a tenant in the Kingston Business Park. Noble is an elitist that went home to Roosevelt Park after that resolution passed thinking he did something good but I ask you all: What good has he done for the average Kingstonian?! His priorities are ass backwards and he fails to take a stand on the important issues facing this community.
In other city news we here rumors that Alderwoman Maryanne Mills (D-w7) will not seek reelection to a third term this November. The ward leans Democratic but could be in contention for Republicans in an open seat. Unless of course former Democratic Alderman Bill Reynolds decides to make a run for his old seat.
On a County level we had to laugh that County Executive Mike Hein promoted his rail trail as something that would boost the local economy and make Ulster a destination community, a project that is untested and we have no idea what will happen...ok so thats his opinion on the results, gotcha. The funny part is that his comments come a week after the Catskill Mountain Railroad, that got fucked over to build that stupid trail and has a solid track record, reported that it did over a million in sales this year. Not to mention what the railroad has done for Uptown Kingston business owners during the holiday season.
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