AUERBACH FOR CONGRESS- We have tremendous respect for Elliott Auerbach and we say to E.A., go for it baby!! The 19th district any other year would be a winnable for a Democrat but on a presidential year with Hillary leading the ticket, you will have 10-12 thousand more votes at play then any other year. Auerbach beat Quigley in 08 largely cuz Obama and hey 2016 is the new 2008. Elliott is personable funny and passionate about public service. He's by far in our opinion the most popular county wide official and respected across the aisle. Rich Cahill has some fucking balls challenging Elliott, were are your credentials to even comment, first he says a Dem has win Ulster County by a big margin to win,not neccisarly the case Julian crushed Gibson in Ulster county when he ran and lost. We could go on schooling Cahill on politics but it's not worth our time, just shut your mouth and go home and get your shine box Little Dick. Auerbach will have a tough time winning reelection in 2018 in 19th but he will win handily in an open congressional seat on a presidential year, it's already happened three times, twice w Gillibrand and Scott Murphy beat Tedisco, our first successful congressional campaign we did. We say to U.C.'s Meyer Lanski, go for it, it's yours for taking.
With Parete out as chair of legislature we wonder what will happen w Jay Mahler, we think she is smart, sexy and capable to do any job in local politics, she's a Kevin Cahill alumni that was fucked over by Vic Work who let's face it is a moron, Tom Turco runs circles around him and he only has the job because he's failed every civil service job Hein appointed him to, yeah that's the guy I want overseeing elections for the Majority party in this county. Jay should run for commissioner a job she rightfully deserves and send Vic packing not just for good of the party but the good of the process. Work is terrible and needs to go, take Cardinale with him. The two are bffs and go on vacation together trying figure out which one of them will shine Hein's boots and which one will jerk him off. Cardinale usually volunteers for the latter.
Kingston will swear in their first fagazi Mayor, the guy is unqualified and has no business being in the front office. His inexperience will be on full display the next four years.
We will support Noble on his firing of DiFalco, Ellen wined that she was unfairly fired w a letter and not face to face. Besides fact Noble lacks balls to fire Ellen face to face and we don't say that lightly, we wouldn't either, we'd be worried about her turning us into stone. More importantly she doesn't deserve to be told face to face. Noble is the Mayor, to victor goes the spoils. We hear he will hire Sottile's old secretary Donna Fisher.
Finally we hear rumors of other Democrats wanting to run for Congress specifically Frank Skartados, we like Frank a lot but again we give the edge to Auerbach. As for Joel Tyner's candidacy, get the fuck outta here with that shit right now. Actually it's good for Auerbach, it gets his signs and message out, without having play catch up after the GOP primary and he will win by a huge margin giving him a bump in the general. Auerbach's only weakness will be his ability to raise money because the DCCC will throw him crumbs. Auerbach can raise some $, $250,000 or so he'll be all set.
Buy the Kingston Times this week Reynolds had a good Christmas column in there this week.
This is gonna be La Cosa Nostra till I die, Be it an hour from now, or be it tonight, or a hundred years from now, when I'm in jail. It's gonna be La Cosa Nostra -John Gotti, Boss
You Talking To Me?!

Monday, December 28, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Friday, December 18, 2015
Hein Rules Out Run For Congress
I'm shocked that Hein isn't running after his dog and pony show with the Dem county chairs and the made up group of young college Democrats that urged him to run. This is Cahill's time, Hillary Clinton is going to be on the top of the ticket and Democrats are gunna win big in NYS next year, Hillary's coat tails will def be enough to win an open congressional seat. Which is more surprising Hein didn't run he's gotta know his chances were good. I owe our boss an apology, we assumed his ego would be too big to resist and we were wrong.
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Gallo Roast??!! I forgottttiiiii
Comrad Noble won big when his gang of eight voted to override Gallo's vetos, Embattled Alderman Brad Will took to Facebook and declared it a big win, maybe it was for the Democratic committee but it was a big fuck you to the taxpayers in Kingston who will see their taxes raised more than four percent. It's a big problem when that is something a city Alderman is celebrating.
My heart sunk to my stomach when I read the words out going Mayor Shayne Gallo in the Kingston Freeman, I think we made a big mistake, we love the current Capo of the city and will miss him. As for the roast it will be up in short order I'm still working on it and refuse to publish something half assed, if you wanna read shit than read Cahill's blog. When we do a post it's fucking special and well thought out. We are the King of all political blogs, with thousands of hits per day we are number one because you make is number one and you deserve nothing but the best, my soldiers.
Capo~ elect Stevie Wonder is doing a search for a new secretary but we hear he may bring back Sottile's old Secretary Donna Fisher. We think he should hire his wife Julie and we mean that with all sincerity all jokes aside. The Noble's have worked together as a team for a long time with good results, Mrs. Noble is as smart and in my mind smarter and more able than The Mayor elect himself. The two of them would make a great team, sort of a co~ Mayorship. There is nothing wrong with that. She's already a city employee and Bill Clinton ran a campaign saying pretty much you get two for price of one. It would be a very wise decision on his part. There are plenty of envirmental educators that replace her, keeping her in her current role is a waste of talant and a disservice to the city. Plus you want a secretary you know and trust, the secretary to the Mayor is so much more than a clerical job. Say what you want about Ellen DiFalco, she is an evil bitch but she knew her role and really did it well, she was the gatekeeper to the Mayor, a trusted confidant and his protector. That's what you need, Julie is all those things and has the sound judgement that DiFalco lacked.
Speaking of Noble we were disappointed to say he least that this guy was non committal on his position on the indoor shooting range.. He gave an answer that was ridiculous. Well we encourage new buisnesses and the planning board meeting was a positve step blah blah jerk me off, this is what Kingston elected a cronie and a political puppet with no spine, what dd that General on Fox News call Obama?! What did he say again we forget, on wait I think he called Obama a pussy. Mayor elect Noble please don't be a pussy, you're the Capo of our city and the leader of our party. Time to put on your big boy pants and be a leader. Agree or disagree with Mayor Gallo, you always knew exactly where he stood on an issue.
My heart sunk to my stomach when I read the words out going Mayor Shayne Gallo in the Kingston Freeman, I think we made a big mistake, we love the current Capo of the city and will miss him. As for the roast it will be up in short order I'm still working on it and refuse to publish something half assed, if you wanna read shit than read Cahill's blog. When we do a post it's fucking special and well thought out. We are the King of all political blogs, with thousands of hits per day we are number one because you make is number one and you deserve nothing but the best, my soldiers.
Capo~ elect Stevie Wonder is doing a search for a new secretary but we hear he may bring back Sottile's old Secretary Donna Fisher. We think he should hire his wife Julie and we mean that with all sincerity all jokes aside. The Noble's have worked together as a team for a long time with good results, Mrs. Noble is as smart and in my mind smarter and more able than The Mayor elect himself. The two of them would make a great team, sort of a co~ Mayorship. There is nothing wrong with that. She's already a city employee and Bill Clinton ran a campaign saying pretty much you get two for price of one. It would be a very wise decision on his part. There are plenty of envirmental educators that replace her, keeping her in her current role is a waste of talant and a disservice to the city. Plus you want a secretary you know and trust, the secretary to the Mayor is so much more than a clerical job. Say what you want about Ellen DiFalco, she is an evil bitch but she knew her role and really did it well, she was the gatekeeper to the Mayor, a trusted confidant and his protector. That's what you need, Julie is all those things and has the sound judgement that DiFalco lacked.
Speaking of Noble we were disappointed to say he least that this guy was non committal on his position on the indoor shooting range.. He gave an answer that was ridiculous. Well we encourage new buisnesses and the planning board meeting was a positve step blah blah jerk me off, this is what Kingston elected a cronie and a political puppet with no spine, what dd that General on Fox News call Obama?! What did he say again we forget, on wait I think he called Obama a pussy. Mayor elect Noble please don't be a pussy, you're the Capo of our city and the leader of our party. Time to put on your big boy pants and be a leader. Agree or disagree with Mayor Gallo, you always knew exactly where he stood on an issue.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Send some Holiday Cheer To WGHQ.. Send Cash and yes we're talking about you Supervisor Quigley
First let me say that Walter Maxwell is a fucking jerk off and not worthy to tie our fucking shoes as Adam Skelos would say, with that being said WGHQ is a good local community radio show that we enjoy listening to and I'm sure many of you do too. So please send an envelope of cash to the station so they can get back on the air asap. Whatever you can afford, we should be able to easily raise a few grand we're Kingstonians after all, we are the chosen people! Anyway Verizon cut their service off on some bullshit and they may need up to 3k to get back on the air w time warner. We'll be paying a visit to our frends in the Verizon union as well to sort out this mess.
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Breaking News: Ken Ronk to Chair County Legislature
Ken Ronk will become the Chair of the Ulster County Legislature when they reconvene in January, he'll do a good job.
We strongly encourage appointing John Parete to a committee chairmanship like ways and means and making Rich Parete Majority Leader.
H- Rod (New Paltz) will become Minority Leader, how funny would it be though if at last minute Donaldson runs? This poor kid has been fucked over for every leadership position in the legislature.
We strongly encourage appointing John Parete to a committee chairmanship like ways and means and making Rich Parete Majority Leader.
H- Rod (New Paltz) will become Minority Leader, how funny would it be though if at last minute Donaldson runs? This poor kid has been fucked over for every leadership position in the legislature.
Saturday, December 12, 2015
The Omertà Report 12/12
Please pray for Ulster Police Chief Tony Cruz, he's a good guy dealing with some serious cancer, keep him in your thoughts and prayers especially during this holiday season.
Free Parking?! Mayor Gallo rescinded an executive order to have free parking for the last two weeks of the year, which is something that is done annually. Gallo has since taken a lot of heat with some calling him Mayor Grinch but they don't get Gallo's reasoning. KUBA was very much against this proposal because people abuse it and will park in one spot all day and it ends up hurting buisnesses with shopping more than it helps. Mayor Gallo was trying to do the right thing but you can't please everyone. Mayor Gallo should have kept the executive order in place and instituted a two hour parking limit, this would allow shoppers to park for free and limit people from parking in front of buisnesses all day. The parking officers would issue tickets to anyone that parks over two hours, you can electronicly mark tires with the parking equipment the city has, that would if solved the problem. Tickets are also a huge revenue source for the City, John Tuey's dick gets harder and harder the more tickets are issued each day. It's not something Tuey is in favor of and being he carried Gallo's jock strap for the last four years he may have gotten a favor from Hiz Honor who could now care less about pleasing the public in his last two weeks as Mayor.
Speaking of Gallo, he did the right thing vetoing the counsel's budget, say what you want about Shayne, he never proposed a budget that was over the two percent tax cap, Comrad Noble has not even been sworn in on his Quran yet and the common counsel feels comfortable passing a budget with a four percent tax cap that shifts the tax burden more on home owners than buisnesses, it's a joke! They have no clue, they are a bunch bleeding heart socialists that are out of touch with their constituents. We believe in less government, lower taxes, and empowering Kingstonians to achieve their full potential. The Noble administration will be high taxes, more spending, save the whales fuck the people. That's what Kingston voted for and they get what they deserve. Steve Noble reminds me of Adam Skelos, a brat with a powerful last name that thinks he's entitled to anything.
To show how left this counsel has gone, last month they gave a pride of Kinston award to Rebecca Martin's website that was responsible for running out a company that would have created 100+ jobs. It's mind blowing, are you kidding me? What kind of message does that send to prospective buisnesses? Ms. Martin doesn't need an award she needs to get laid and chill the fuck out. She has done enough damage to economic development, besides driving out jobs she's responsible for Econonic Development Czar Greg Swanzi. gallo's than gf Carrie Ross Jones, who is friends w Martin convinsed Gallo to hire Gregg with Rebecca's pushing. So this city has an environmentalist as Head of economic development great job Rebecca, Bernie Sanders would be proud.
Not for nothing, we'd like Kingston Goodfellas to get a pride of Kingston award, we provide quality news on local politics, we have at least 50x the readership of Ms. martin's dopey website and the entire city government from the Mayor and common counsel, to rank and file city employees all read this blog, where's my fucking award? I guess I have to plant a few trees and drive out a few buisnesses for consideration. Tell your alderman to give us a pride of Kingston award, I'll even show up to accept it than the question of who runs this blog will be over. It's Amazing the people that stop me on the street and tell me they love our website, we are flattered.
We hear Kingston Capo~ Elect Steve Noble is going to keep Greg Swanzy on as economic delic meant head, bad move after this guy tried to destroy him he's going to let him have his job? Not a good way to get the city employees to respect their new boss. Swanzy should be gone for a number of reasons and the fact that Swanzy, who before the campaign was friends w Noble, stabbed him in the back for political aim he should be dealt w swiftly. We hear Kathy Mihm's son in law, will become corp counsel, Mr. Cook served under Sottile as a pt corp counsel and will bring dignity and respect back to that office. He will have to wipe the sleaze and slim that Zweeben is going to leave, the office needs to be exterminated. Although Dan Gartinstein should stay, he's a good honest guy was above the fray, I don't know how one justifies keeping Swanzy and firing Gartenstien, makes no sense. Plus don't you need someone in that office that can educate the new corp counsel on what's going on, I would imagine there is a great deal of transition that comes with that position, open cases and legal stuff that you can't just go into blindly. That's stupid.
Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum issued a press release saying that gun owners should carry their guns and we couldn't agree more. We don't get the backlash? If you have a gun permit you can carry your gun around anyway so what's the big deal? Kingston had a shooting in the mall and I'll tell you if I was there I'd feel a lot safer with a gun on my waist and knowing other law obiding citizens do as well. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. The sheriff is right on this issue, he's not encouraging violence but saying in the case that there ever is we should be prepared. I'm sure he hopes as well as we do that they never are in a position where they have to use it.
Dean Skelos and his son Adam Skelos were convicted of eight counts of bribery yesterday and I have to say that Preet Beharra is no joke, the man is likely to target Cuomo next and if he takes out all three men in the room than he is putting himself in good position to be out next AG or Governor. We like Cuomo and don't wanna see that happen, not just cause we like him we don't want a woman Governor. Cuomo is a man's man and it's ok for a little graft in government, that's how we make a living, Skelos' mistake was talking on the phone, didn't he learn from Gotti?! Keep your mouth shut about your illegal activities he deserved to be caught. Us people in the life never trusted Skelos, he was very arrogant and wasn't a real gangster he was more of a country club spray tan pussy that wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Silver we feel bad about, he was our modern day Meyer Lanski and got railroaded, he didn't get convicted in that court room, buisness in Albany got convicted in that court room. anyway, Gov. Cuomo is a smart man you won't find any emails or tapes that implicate him in any wrong doing. rumor has it Preet has gotten some former aids to flip on him in exchange for their own asses being saved. Every morning they have to look in the mirror and look at a big rat starting back at them. Let me' talk they have no credibility. On a final note you should google " top ten quotes from Skelos and Silver trials" there is a story from NY Observer that is great and worth reading.
Race for Congress: John Faso and this Heeney guy have announced along with Assemblyman Looez to replace our outgoing Congressman Chris Gibson. We like Heeney, he's a succesful businessman and a good guy, he has the money to defeat Hein and that's very important. We would consider voting Democrat if Kevin Cahill or even Julian schriean ran again but no way will we allow Hein to be our Congressman. Frankly we feel Cahill is being a bitch for years this guy worked his balls of to be the leader of our party and the successor to Maurice Hinchey as the top Democrat in this area. Yet he's allowed himself to take a back seat to Mike Hein a former republican and to paraphrase Adam Skelos, a guy that's not worthy to shine his fucking shoes. Instead Cahill telling Micheal to get his shine box, he has allowed him to take control of the party. Cahill would destroy Hein in a primary and in a presidential year with Hiary on the ballot, he would be swooped into office as our next Congressman. Take the chance Kevin and btw he has nothing to lose, the primary for Congress is in June or July, if he were to lose, he could run for Assembly still, just do it!
Shayne Gallo's last two weeks in office start Fuesday, we will present our Roast of Mayor Gallo on Tuesday night, so make sure you read often.. god bless!
Free Parking?! Mayor Gallo rescinded an executive order to have free parking for the last two weeks of the year, which is something that is done annually. Gallo has since taken a lot of heat with some calling him Mayor Grinch but they don't get Gallo's reasoning. KUBA was very much against this proposal because people abuse it and will park in one spot all day and it ends up hurting buisnesses with shopping more than it helps. Mayor Gallo was trying to do the right thing but you can't please everyone. Mayor Gallo should have kept the executive order in place and instituted a two hour parking limit, this would allow shoppers to park for free and limit people from parking in front of buisnesses all day. The parking officers would issue tickets to anyone that parks over two hours, you can electronicly mark tires with the parking equipment the city has, that would if solved the problem. Tickets are also a huge revenue source for the City, John Tuey's dick gets harder and harder the more tickets are issued each day. It's not something Tuey is in favor of and being he carried Gallo's jock strap for the last four years he may have gotten a favor from Hiz Honor who could now care less about pleasing the public in his last two weeks as Mayor.
Speaking of Gallo, he did the right thing vetoing the counsel's budget, say what you want about Shayne, he never proposed a budget that was over the two percent tax cap, Comrad Noble has not even been sworn in on his Quran yet and the common counsel feels comfortable passing a budget with a four percent tax cap that shifts the tax burden more on home owners than buisnesses, it's a joke! They have no clue, they are a bunch bleeding heart socialists that are out of touch with their constituents. We believe in less government, lower taxes, and empowering Kingstonians to achieve their full potential. The Noble administration will be high taxes, more spending, save the whales fuck the people. That's what Kingston voted for and they get what they deserve. Steve Noble reminds me of Adam Skelos, a brat with a powerful last name that thinks he's entitled to anything.
To show how left this counsel has gone, last month they gave a pride of Kinston award to Rebecca Martin's website that was responsible for running out a company that would have created 100+ jobs. It's mind blowing, are you kidding me? What kind of message does that send to prospective buisnesses? Ms. Martin doesn't need an award she needs to get laid and chill the fuck out. She has done enough damage to economic development, besides driving out jobs she's responsible for Econonic Development Czar Greg Swanzi. gallo's than gf Carrie Ross Jones, who is friends w Martin convinsed Gallo to hire Gregg with Rebecca's pushing. So this city has an environmentalist as Head of economic development great job Rebecca, Bernie Sanders would be proud.
Not for nothing, we'd like Kingston Goodfellas to get a pride of Kingston award, we provide quality news on local politics, we have at least 50x the readership of Ms. martin's dopey website and the entire city government from the Mayor and common counsel, to rank and file city employees all read this blog, where's my fucking award? I guess I have to plant a few trees and drive out a few buisnesses for consideration. Tell your alderman to give us a pride of Kingston award, I'll even show up to accept it than the question of who runs this blog will be over. It's Amazing the people that stop me on the street and tell me they love our website, we are flattered.
We hear Kingston Capo~ Elect Steve Noble is going to keep Greg Swanzy on as economic delic meant head, bad move after this guy tried to destroy him he's going to let him have his job? Not a good way to get the city employees to respect their new boss. Swanzy should be gone for a number of reasons and the fact that Swanzy, who before the campaign was friends w Noble, stabbed him in the back for political aim he should be dealt w swiftly. We hear Kathy Mihm's son in law, will become corp counsel, Mr. Cook served under Sottile as a pt corp counsel and will bring dignity and respect back to that office. He will have to wipe the sleaze and slim that Zweeben is going to leave, the office needs to be exterminated. Although Dan Gartinstein should stay, he's a good honest guy was above the fray, I don't know how one justifies keeping Swanzy and firing Gartenstien, makes no sense. Plus don't you need someone in that office that can educate the new corp counsel on what's going on, I would imagine there is a great deal of transition that comes with that position, open cases and legal stuff that you can't just go into blindly. That's stupid.
Sheriff Paul Van Blarcum issued a press release saying that gun owners should carry their guns and we couldn't agree more. We don't get the backlash? If you have a gun permit you can carry your gun around anyway so what's the big deal? Kingston had a shooting in the mall and I'll tell you if I was there I'd feel a lot safer with a gun on my waist and knowing other law obiding citizens do as well. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. The sheriff is right on this issue, he's not encouraging violence but saying in the case that there ever is we should be prepared. I'm sure he hopes as well as we do that they never are in a position where they have to use it.
Dean Skelos and his son Adam Skelos were convicted of eight counts of bribery yesterday and I have to say that Preet Beharra is no joke, the man is likely to target Cuomo next and if he takes out all three men in the room than he is putting himself in good position to be out next AG or Governor. We like Cuomo and don't wanna see that happen, not just cause we like him we don't want a woman Governor. Cuomo is a man's man and it's ok for a little graft in government, that's how we make a living, Skelos' mistake was talking on the phone, didn't he learn from Gotti?! Keep your mouth shut about your illegal activities he deserved to be caught. Us people in the life never trusted Skelos, he was very arrogant and wasn't a real gangster he was more of a country club spray tan pussy that wanted to have his cake and eat it too. Silver we feel bad about, he was our modern day Meyer Lanski and got railroaded, he didn't get convicted in that court room, buisness in Albany got convicted in that court room. anyway, Gov. Cuomo is a smart man you won't find any emails or tapes that implicate him in any wrong doing. rumor has it Preet has gotten some former aids to flip on him in exchange for their own asses being saved. Every morning they have to look in the mirror and look at a big rat starting back at them. Let me' talk they have no credibility. On a final note you should google " top ten quotes from Skelos and Silver trials" there is a story from NY Observer that is great and worth reading.
Race for Congress: John Faso and this Heeney guy have announced along with Assemblyman Looez to replace our outgoing Congressman Chris Gibson. We like Heeney, he's a succesful businessman and a good guy, he has the money to defeat Hein and that's very important. We would consider voting Democrat if Kevin Cahill or even Julian schriean ran again but no way will we allow Hein to be our Congressman. Frankly we feel Cahill is being a bitch for years this guy worked his balls of to be the leader of our party and the successor to Maurice Hinchey as the top Democrat in this area. Yet he's allowed himself to take a back seat to Mike Hein a former republican and to paraphrase Adam Skelos, a guy that's not worthy to shine his fucking shoes. Instead Cahill telling Micheal to get his shine box, he has allowed him to take control of the party. Cahill would destroy Hein in a primary and in a presidential year with Hiary on the ballot, he would be swooped into office as our next Congressman. Take the chance Kevin and btw he has nothing to lose, the primary for Congress is in June or July, if he were to lose, he could run for Assembly still, just do it!
Shayne Gallo's last two weeks in office start Fuesday, we will present our Roast of Mayor Gallo on Tuesday night, so make sure you read often.. god bless!
Thursday, November 26, 2015
The Omertà Report
Economic Development dept head Gregg SwanZy walked out of a budget hearing before the common counsel last week when he was begging them to restore the salary that was cut in Gallo's budget last year saying they didn't know what Kingston Capo Steve Noble wanted to do with the office but put in contingency money of about 80 boxes of ziti ear marked for that office as just in case money. Just in case Steve Noble gets rid of SwanZy he can raise the salary but if it's still Seanzy get the fuck outtaaa here withe that shit Greg... Is basically what Seanzy was told.
Two things : one I applaud what they did but not their reasonings. Capo Noble should without question fire Seanzy, the two of them started the Land trust and who knows maybe they were former fuck buddies but Swanzy fucked Noble in the ass repeatedly and without consent this time, blasting Noble about his grants and throwing out lies about Our new Boss that went well beyond politics. When SwanZy is making attacks on Facebook or the freeman online comments that's one thing but when he's sending out false stats and misleading information on Noble in his official capacity as economic development boss that gives it credibility, people belive it to be fact and SwanZy tried to ruin his 'friends' political career to save his own. The art of war says when your enemy has been struck or weakened you do not back down, you crush them or they will get stronger and come for you. Noble needs new loyal blood. And not another envirmentalist, we already have one as the head of the City, we need a pro buisness leader like a Len Bernardo. Say what you want yea Bernardo didn't support Noble but he didn't attack him either and the guy is a self made millionaire that can produce results and it gets Noble a show in to the Independence line for his reelection bid.
Secondly the common counsel never gave a ick as to what Mayor Gallo wanted in his budgets but now all a sudden they should for the Mayor elect who hasn't yet served a day in office. Why is Steve Noble not talking w the committee and leaders about his transition anyway. So far we hear Sleazy is gunna stay as economic development boss , Carly is staying as clerk, and Katie cooks husband will be corporation counsel, we support that he did a good job as assist corp council under Sottile as for Carly we say salute we like her but feel she has no loyalty and swings in any direction wind blows but nonetheless she's a good person and wish her the best.
Speaking if Sottile, he's telling everyone that will listen that he doesn't want a job in city government we call bullshit on that he's itching to be back in politics but as a former Mayor I can see how he may not want to play second fiddle to his former running mates 33 yr old cousin and who could blame him. Sottile would make an excellent Comptroller, he's smart knows the city budget probably would have been comptroller under Polacco had he won if he was so inclined. Someone like Steve who's never worked on a budget or been an executive, would be wise to put in a former Mayor that's done ten of them. Running a 33 million dollar budget is a big fucking deal, Sottile would be a good advisor and is worth considering. The current comptroller John Tuey is plain has no balls, does not have the backs of his employees or their respect and is nothing more than a pencil pusher. Nice guy, smart guy, his time has come and gone.
There are rumors Alcoa may be pulling out of the buisness park on Delware Ave, the would mean that there are no member left in the buisness park that TR Gallo built and we are not attacking TR Gallo he should have built it but we need a good strong economic development chief to market and intise new developers even if it means the Mayor going directly to them instead of us waiting for them to come to us.
Blaber for Republican Chairman? that's not our family so we offer no comment on his candidacy but rumor is Blaber who worked on the Polacco campaign is telling anyone who will listen that he plans to take the reigns of the City Republican comittee after Sinagra's dismal performance. Blaber who's been a Republican for less than a few months can't be worse than Sinagra a life long Republican that actively worked against his own Mayoral candidate and failed to put up any candidates for legislature and three candidates for common counsel all of who lost with no committee support. Debbie Brown got elected despite the GOP committees help not because of it. Blaber has the experiance and knows the process and people are entitled to second chances, the thing is what will he do if he gets it? It's tough for a Republican to win Cuty wide but fresh blood and a ruthless guy at the helm that will do anything to win may be what they need. If not Blaber J
Two things : one I applaud what they did but not their reasonings. Capo Noble should without question fire Seanzy, the two of them started the Land trust and who knows maybe they were former fuck buddies but Swanzy fucked Noble in the ass repeatedly and without consent this time, blasting Noble about his grants and throwing out lies about Our new Boss that went well beyond politics. When SwanZy is making attacks on Facebook or the freeman online comments that's one thing but when he's sending out false stats and misleading information on Noble in his official capacity as economic development boss that gives it credibility, people belive it to be fact and SwanZy tried to ruin his 'friends' political career to save his own. The art of war says when your enemy has been struck or weakened you do not back down, you crush them or they will get stronger and come for you. Noble needs new loyal blood. And not another envirmentalist, we already have one as the head of the City, we need a pro buisness leader like a Len Bernardo. Say what you want yea Bernardo didn't support Noble but he didn't attack him either and the guy is a self made millionaire that can produce results and it gets Noble a show in to the Independence line for his reelection bid.
Secondly the common counsel never gave a ick as to what Mayor Gallo wanted in his budgets but now all a sudden they should for the Mayor elect who hasn't yet served a day in office. Why is Steve Noble not talking w the committee and leaders about his transition anyway. So far we hear Sleazy is gunna stay as economic development boss , Carly is staying as clerk, and Katie cooks husband will be corporation counsel, we support that he did a good job as assist corp council under Sottile as for Carly we say salute we like her but feel she has no loyalty and swings in any direction wind blows but nonetheless she's a good person and wish her the best.
Speaking if Sottile, he's telling everyone that will listen that he doesn't want a job in city government we call bullshit on that he's itching to be back in politics but as a former Mayor I can see how he may not want to play second fiddle to his former running mates 33 yr old cousin and who could blame him. Sottile would make an excellent Comptroller, he's smart knows the city budget probably would have been comptroller under Polacco had he won if he was so inclined. Someone like Steve who's never worked on a budget or been an executive, would be wise to put in a former Mayor that's done ten of them. Running a 33 million dollar budget is a big fucking deal, Sottile would be a good advisor and is worth considering. The current comptroller John Tuey is plain has no balls, does not have the backs of his employees or their respect and is nothing more than a pencil pusher. Nice guy, smart guy, his time has come and gone.
There are rumors Alcoa may be pulling out of the buisness park on Delware Ave, the would mean that there are no member left in the buisness park that TR Gallo built and we are not attacking TR Gallo he should have built it but we need a good strong economic development chief to market and intise new developers even if it means the Mayor going directly to them instead of us waiting for them to come to us.
Blaber for Republican Chairman? that's not our family so we offer no comment on his candidacy but rumor is Blaber who worked on the Polacco campaign is telling anyone who will listen that he plans to take the reigns of the City Republican comittee after Sinagra's dismal performance. Blaber who's been a Republican for less than a few months can't be worse than Sinagra a life long Republican that actively worked against his own Mayoral candidate and failed to put up any candidates for legislature and three candidates for common counsel all of who lost with no committee support. Debbie Brown got elected despite the GOP committees help not because of it. Blaber has the experiance and knows the process and people are entitled to second chances, the thing is what will he do if he gets it? It's tough for a Republican to win Cuty wide but fresh blood and a ruthless guy at the helm that will do anything to win may be what they need. If not Blaber J
Monday, November 23, 2015
It's Already Starting..
It was reported that Brad Will listed an address in Woodstock as his primary residence on bankruptcy fillings, it's clear the guy lives in the Ward so listing the address in Woodstock was to benefit him in someway with his legal case rather than him residing in Woodstock. Whatever the reason it's not very ethical...
Speaking of ethics, Will has yet to pay the $1,000 he was fined by the Kingston ethics committee and Uncle Jimmy has yet to reprimand him as directed by the committee. Instead Uncle Jimmy defended Will saying the City should represent him on the matter.
What motivation does Uncle Jimmy have to reprimand him? His nephew is the Mayor elect and Will is a loyal Jim Jones kool aid drinker to whatever the Noble Family Dynasty wants. Alderman Will is still the odds on favorite to be Majority Leader of the common counsel are you kidding me?!
Kingston family boss Steve Noble and his Under Boss Uncle Jimmy are playing with a whole different set of rules, they care more about the trees and the fish than the electorate and you can bet any amount money that the only people benefiting from this administration is the Noble family dynasty. We said it before but it should be repeated, absolute power corrupts, absolutely!
Speaking of ethics, Will has yet to pay the $1,000 he was fined by the Kingston ethics committee and Uncle Jimmy has yet to reprimand him as directed by the committee. Instead Uncle Jimmy defended Will saying the City should represent him on the matter.
What motivation does Uncle Jimmy have to reprimand him? His nephew is the Mayor elect and Will is a loyal Jim Jones kool aid drinker to whatever the Noble Family Dynasty wants. Alderman Will is still the odds on favorite to be Majority Leader of the common counsel are you kidding me?!
Kingston family boss Steve Noble and his Under Boss Uncle Jimmy are playing with a whole different set of rules, they care more about the trees and the fish than the electorate and you can bet any amount money that the only people benefiting from this administration is the Noble family dynasty. We said it before but it should be repeated, absolute power corrupts, absolutely!
Friday, November 13, 2015
The Omertà Report
The Gallo Curse is no more. We thought on election night that history was going to repeat itself when Andy Champ Doran pulled out an upset victory on election night having just one minor party line in the Ward 3 race for Alderman. Alderman Will who has been a frequent critic of Gallo looked like he would be the second Democrat in Watd 3 to lose their seat at the hands of a Gallo. TR Gallo took out Charlie Landi, a let's say, ten yr incumbent in 2000 by going door to door with GOP newcomer Jankowakie. I give credit where it's due, it's very impressive Champ Doran was able to capitalize on the ethics issues Will faced last month. The committee though was nothing more than a joke, all people on committee were appointed by Gallo. The Chairwoman Jean Jacobs who is easily influenced by power was made to feel inportant by Gallo and she followed his orders. Jacobs is also BFFs w Gallo's secretary Ellen DiFalco. The two would get on their brooms a half hour before the meeting and fly up to the bell tower where DiFalco would hand Jacobs Gallo's requests. That committee did what Gallo said and Ms. DiFalco should be ashamed of herself for using Ms. Jacobs friendship for political gain. I don't blame Jean she doesn't even know she was used.
Alderman Will looked like the likely successor to Matt Dunn for Majority Leader but after winning by just 17 votes will he get it? Steve Shabbot Should be Majority Leader. Mills who could do the job and a good one, will not get it because she is preseved as a Gallocrat and Will is very snarky and arrogant. Steve Shabot in Ward 8 should be the next Majority Leader, he's very even keeled can work with every member of the Majority without infighting, plus he's a fucking rockstar. On Facebook we saw an advertisement that Shabot would be performing at Uncle Willy's with his band.. Very cool.
Gallo cut Steve Noble's job out of the budget next year and Noble is pushing for it to be put back in. Personally, I wouldn't want anyone working with my wife, if I was Steve Id say salute and move on. Julie is more than capable of doing the job by herself you don't need two people, what do one of Noble's cousins need a job? I don't get why it's neccisary to add this spot back. Steve is the Mayor- elect he won the battle and the war, let the position just go and focus on your transition because you have no fucking clue what you're about to step into son. Everyone thinks that being Mayor is easy until they sit in that chair. Mayor elect Noble however insists on putting the job back in the budget which will happen, whatever he wants he will have.
Why? Well because his last name is Noble duh! And his Uncle is counsel President Jim Noble and they are members of the Noble family dynasty. In addition to that as counsel President Noble presides over an 8-1 veto proof Democratic counsel, which is the problem. There will be zero checks and balances in city government for at least the next two years, probably four. That's not good government. Getting back to his job thou, if they wanna put it back in the budget, I'll volunteer to do the job, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I'll do the job just to work w Julie, we can go on little nature walks and picnics. Also, I really would like to be Mayor one day and I know that the position of envirmental educator will give me the neccisary tools and experiance to do the job, so sign me up baby!
Mayor elect Noble is in over his head in our opinion, do you really think Andrew Cuomo and Chuck Schumer are gunna meet with this guy and take him serious? I don't see it, I see Cuomo getting in his limo and chuckling all the way back to Albany. Wtf how did this happen? I do wish him the best though, don't confuse us busting balls with us not liking Noble, we don't even know the guy to be fair. We give him the benefit of the doubt and his Uncle, who we know very well, is one of the nicest people we have ever met. We supported Polacco for Mayor and we still feel he should have won but the people have spoken and we should all give the guy a chance cuz he's gunna need it. 33yrs old and the Mayor of Kingston..that's scary but damn impressive, no matter how he did or what his last name is, there is defiantly some jealousy on our part that comes out of us while writing this, we hope Steve has a good tenure as Mayor and wish him well.
County Legislature- who will be chairman? Our money says Rich Parete, who's a great guy is the odds on favorite, he will be the reason why the GOP is in the majority and he should have the chairmanship as a result. Before Democrats wanna open their mouth and attack Rich for this, they can thank Mike Hein. It was Mike Hein that endorsed Parete's opponent in the Democratic primary and it was Mike Hein that made sure Parete lost the convention. Mike Hein should get on his knees and blow the Parete's on command, how quickly he forgets that while he was a Republican, working shining earrings at a jewelry store in the mall, it was the Parete's that were building the Democratic Party in Ulster County to the power house it is today. It's John Parete that got the neccisary signatures for proposition one, which was passed in 2007, changing the charter to an executive form of government. How Hein is able to shrug that off amazes me. What did Hein do for the Democratic Party? What has he ever done for the Democratic Party even as executive, he's done nothing to help candidates and promotes only himself.! Ken Ronk may also be in the running for Chairman so it'll be interesting.
Speaking of Ken Ronk, him and David Donaldson introduced legislation to increase the pay for county legislators from 10k to 14k. First off we support it, Ulster County by far has the lowest paid legislators we have ever seen. 14k is not unreasonable, however it was sneaky to introduce the legislation in December. The law states they must do this salary increase on certian election yrs and the reason for that is to allow the people to decide and to have their voices heard on the To introduce this in December may be legal but it's shady. Not to single Donaldson or Ronk out this is something I'm sure everyone agreed on months ago. Both party's rank and file knew too. Everyone but the voters knew apparently.
Jim Quigley proved on election night that he is still the boss of the GOP in this county and certainly the town of Ulster, Quigley easily beat Wadnola for reelection and his candidate for clerk won over Incumbent Linda McDonough. Don't fuck w Quigley.
Alderman Will looked like the likely successor to Matt Dunn for Majority Leader but after winning by just 17 votes will he get it? Steve Shabbot Should be Majority Leader. Mills who could do the job and a good one, will not get it because she is preseved as a Gallocrat and Will is very snarky and arrogant. Steve Shabot in Ward 8 should be the next Majority Leader, he's very even keeled can work with every member of the Majority without infighting, plus he's a fucking rockstar. On Facebook we saw an advertisement that Shabot would be performing at Uncle Willy's with his band.. Very cool.
Gallo cut Steve Noble's job out of the budget next year and Noble is pushing for it to be put back in. Personally, I wouldn't want anyone working with my wife, if I was Steve Id say salute and move on. Julie is more than capable of doing the job by herself you don't need two people, what do one of Noble's cousins need a job? I don't get why it's neccisary to add this spot back. Steve is the Mayor- elect he won the battle and the war, let the position just go and focus on your transition because you have no fucking clue what you're about to step into son. Everyone thinks that being Mayor is easy until they sit in that chair. Mayor elect Noble however insists on putting the job back in the budget which will happen, whatever he wants he will have.
Why? Well because his last name is Noble duh! And his Uncle is counsel President Jim Noble and they are members of the Noble family dynasty. In addition to that as counsel President Noble presides over an 8-1 veto proof Democratic counsel, which is the problem. There will be zero checks and balances in city government for at least the next two years, probably four. That's not good government. Getting back to his job thou, if they wanna put it back in the budget, I'll volunteer to do the job, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I'll do the job just to work w Julie, we can go on little nature walks and picnics. Also, I really would like to be Mayor one day and I know that the position of envirmental educator will give me the neccisary tools and experiance to do the job, so sign me up baby!
Mayor elect Noble is in over his head in our opinion, do you really think Andrew Cuomo and Chuck Schumer are gunna meet with this guy and take him serious? I don't see it, I see Cuomo getting in his limo and chuckling all the way back to Albany. Wtf how did this happen? I do wish him the best though, don't confuse us busting balls with us not liking Noble, we don't even know the guy to be fair. We give him the benefit of the doubt and his Uncle, who we know very well, is one of the nicest people we have ever met. We supported Polacco for Mayor and we still feel he should have won but the people have spoken and we should all give the guy a chance cuz he's gunna need it. 33yrs old and the Mayor of Kingston..that's scary but damn impressive, no matter how he did or what his last name is, there is defiantly some jealousy on our part that comes out of us while writing this, we hope Steve has a good tenure as Mayor and wish him well.
County Legislature- who will be chairman? Our money says Rich Parete, who's a great guy is the odds on favorite, he will be the reason why the GOP is in the majority and he should have the chairmanship as a result. Before Democrats wanna open their mouth and attack Rich for this, they can thank Mike Hein. It was Mike Hein that endorsed Parete's opponent in the Democratic primary and it was Mike Hein that made sure Parete lost the convention. Mike Hein should get on his knees and blow the Parete's on command, how quickly he forgets that while he was a Republican, working shining earrings at a jewelry store in the mall, it was the Parete's that were building the Democratic Party in Ulster County to the power house it is today. It's John Parete that got the neccisary signatures for proposition one, which was passed in 2007, changing the charter to an executive form of government. How Hein is able to shrug that off amazes me. What did Hein do for the Democratic Party? What has he ever done for the Democratic Party even as executive, he's done nothing to help candidates and promotes only himself.! Ken Ronk may also be in the running for Chairman so it'll be interesting.
Speaking of Ken Ronk, him and David Donaldson introduced legislation to increase the pay for county legislators from 10k to 14k. First off we support it, Ulster County by far has the lowest paid legislators we have ever seen. 14k is not unreasonable, however it was sneaky to introduce the legislation in December. The law states they must do this salary increase on certian election yrs and the reason for that is to allow the people to decide and to have their voices heard on the To introduce this in December may be legal but it's shady. Not to single Donaldson or Ronk out this is something I'm sure everyone agreed on months ago. Both party's rank and file knew too. Everyone but the voters knew apparently.
Jim Quigley proved on election night that he is still the boss of the GOP in this county and certainly the town of Ulster, Quigley easily beat Wadnola for reelection and his candidate for clerk won over Incumbent Linda McDonough. Don't fuck w Quigley.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
In the words of Mayor Gallo: God help Kingston!
Steve Noble won and thats good for the City Democratic Party, the Noble family, and that's about it. Kingston will now have the Executive branch run by a kid with zero experiance and who's Uncle Controls the legislative branch. Make way for higher taxes, bigger government and a government that works for the Noble crime family. Speaking of crimes, it's a crime that Sinagra and the City Republicans did nothing to help their nominee for Mayor who pulled in 45% of vote ran a campaign of a small group of people worked his balls off and lost by about 500 votes. Sinagra should resign as Chairman immeditly, not only did he do nothing to help Ron win he actively worked against him. Look at the numbers Polacco could and should have won this race. I will not congratulate Steve Noble, I respect he is the Mayor elect and I respect the office of Mayor but if his last me was Smith he wouldn't have this job, he hasn't earned it and is in way over his head. He will be a terrible Mayor. Having a city with zero checks and balances is not good for the electorate. Kingston residents will have zero power or say with one family running city government is no different than having John and Jr Gotti running the city. We have a new Capo in Kingston an his underboss is his Uncle Jimmy. God help Kingston.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Vote Today Polacco and Bernardo
We have made the case for Polacco and think it's a no brainer he's the only candidate that has served in elected office he has a proven track record of being consistent on his principals as Alderman and is not connected with the good ol boy click that has gotten us no where for 21 yrs an them everything they wanted at our expense. Mayor Polacco will have to deal with a Democratic counsel so both branches of government will be forced to compromise and listen to us not do what's best for party insiders. The Democratic committee in Kingston sunk to a new low by nominating a cronie as their candidate for Mayor because they think we are mindless pup puts that will do anything they say. I believe Kingstonians are smarter than that!
We need a Mayor that's a leader and I respectfully submit that Polacco is that leader and the most qualified to lead Kingston for the next four years. We hear Polacco is up by about 8 points but every vote counts so get out and vote!
In ward 3 please vote for Brad Will
In Ward 4 Nina Dawson
In ward 5 Bill Carey
In Ward 6 Joe Corcaran
In Ward 7 MA Mills
In Ward 8 Bill Shabot
In Ward 9 we offer no endorsement, we would like that ward to go Republican for the top of the ticket has nothing to do with the individual candidates running.
ALSO in edition to voting for Terry Bernardo, vote for Rich Parete as well he deserves reelection and has been screwed by Hein and Cardinale both need to go.
Get out and vote tomorrow, Kingston let's Make history let's show the party bosses the Democratic Party dinosaurs like Frank Cardinale they don't run this city. vote Polacco and Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at Large respectively.
We need a Mayor that's a leader and I respectfully submit that Polacco is that leader and the most qualified to lead Kingston for the next four years. We hear Polacco is up by about 8 points but every vote counts so get out and vote!
In ward 3 please vote for Brad Will
In Ward 4 Nina Dawson
In ward 5 Bill Carey
In Ward 6 Joe Corcaran
In Ward 7 MA Mills
In Ward 8 Bill Shabot
In Ward 9 we offer no endorsement, we would like that ward to go Republican for the top of the ticket has nothing to do with the individual candidates running.
ALSO in edition to voting for Terry Bernardo, vote for Rich Parete as well he deserves reelection and has been screwed by Hein and Cardinale both need to go.
Get out and vote tomorrow, Kingston let's Make history let's show the party bosses the Democratic Party dinosaurs like Frank Cardinale they don't run this city. vote Polacco and Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at Large respectively.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Noble in secret Meeting w Hein on Bike Lane: bike lane will 'whiten Broadway'
We hear at a secret meeting w Hein and team Noble, The Noble's discussed the bike lane is essential to whiten Broadway Kingston which will help buisnesses. Some Democrat!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
The Omerta Report
Polacco Wins First Debate-
Ron Polacco came out of the first debate at the chamber as the clear winner. Polacco made his case to the Chamber as to why Kingston hasn't progressed in the last 21 years saying:" we've had the same leadership and that the status quo is not enough anymore". Now he did not say Democrats were the problem and that's interesting. A person asked me earlier in the day he obviously meant Democrats because we've had Democrats for the last 21 years in the Mayor's office, which is true but I don't think he was talking about Democrats specifically, there are a lot of Democrats that are supporting Polacco. In my opinion as a political pundit and the Godfather of politics in this County, Polacco was talking about political dynasties in Kingston for the last 21 years. This City elects candidates based on who they drank with in high school and they elect candidates based on their last name, lets be real if Steve Noble was Steve Smith, he would have a hard time being taken seriously as a candidate for Alderman let alone the Democratic nominee for Mayor of the City of Kingston. He's an effeminate zoo keeper at parks and rec that got his job through Nepotism, he is the very definition of a crony. Back in 2007-2009 around that time both him and his wife were part time, they held Mayor Sottile hostage to make them full time, they were telling the schools to call the Mayor and pretty much were blaming him for them leaving and accusing him of firing them. In any other job they would have been shown the door, they were literally giving the council an ultimatum, give us more money or benefits or we will leave and you will lose all these programs because we are not replaceable You can do that in the private sector if you're worth it you get the raise but you don't do that in the public sector, they barley had the job a few years and the job was created specifically for them because of who Steve's Uncle is, for them it was and never has been about public service its been public entitlement, Im a Noble Im entitled to be Mayor you know who my Uncle is . Sottile was furious with them over there power grab than btw, he and Uncle Jimmy battled it and in the end the counsel amended the budget and caved to them, why because they were the Noble family a political dynasty in this City.
During the entire Democratic primary between all we heard was which family should lead this city the Gambinos or the Westies. The Gallos or the Noble's. Whity Buldger won. Not once in the primary did we hear their ideas because they don't care about the City they care about power it was about who had the bigger Dick, and what faction of the Democratic party would run the city, no ideas were offered just attacks on both sides that left a lot to be desired for both of them. In my opinion Polacco was saying It's enough of the Gallo's and the Noble's and the political dynasties that have ruled Kingston for 21 yrs that have taken for granted and abused the enrollment advantage they have knowing that they could do whatever the hell they wanted and they'd still win. For the last 21 years these political families that are no different than the mafia in the way they rule, have had a big party and now we are stuck with the hang over. Mayor Gallo in his concession speech said this election wasn't about me it was about we. Now it very much was about him and Noble and not about we the electorate but it's about time it is about us and about electing a person that's running because they love Kingston, love public service and have had a passion to do this their entire life not because they were born with a certain last name and think it's their birth right.
Kingston also need a leader and Ron Polacco is that leader he has given answers on positions such as that he supports the Catskill Mountain Railroad, that he's against the Rupco Project on Cedar st, that he's against the bike lane on Broadway, he's promised to lower taxes and bring in jobs, you know where he stands.. Noble wont tell you were he stands, like Polacco said with Noble you get the status quo he wont give you an answer on any of these issues, he says well maybe we don't need a bike lane now, but maybe it could be phased in, maybe Rupco can build but I don't support it because Gallo does and of course I gotta check with Uncle Jimmy and my 110k a year assistant first. Polacco is clear on his positions that we need a pro jobs Mayor that his administration will focus on economic development, that he will bring in tourism and cut taxes and say no to certain things. The most important thing to why this City must elect Ron Polacco is that he is telling people the truth, not just telling people what they want to hear, he's choosing integrity over popularity and that my friends is leadership and the qualities you want in a Mayor.
Some will say how will he do it? Well Id rather have someone that has the passion to attempt to do it then someone running because they think they are entitled to elected office. To paraphrase 50 Cent, Polacco will bring Kingston back to prosperity or die tryin' and that's good enough for me. The guy has a background in finance was a city Alderman in a Ward where Democrats outnumber Republicans at least 2:1, and he was responsive approachable, he'll answer your calls and genuinely cares. Having a Republican Mayor will force City government to work for the people, Polacco will have a Democratic majority that will be veto proof, so the only way any of them will get things done will be to listen to one another and compromise on certain issues and that benefits us because that's how government is supposed to be run. Our other alternative is a nephew running the Executive branch of government and his Uncle running the legislative and they are both Democrats with a huge majority on the council. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. With Noble you will get more of the same, higher taxes, the only people that will benefit are the Noble's. This is a no brainer!
Gallo's Budget
Gallo made some interesting changes to this years City budget, he cut the City Clerks salary by 8k, he cut the City Clerk's assistant who is related to Justice Gilpatric to half time. Gallo who once called Justice Gilpatric a little Cunt at Sea Deli feels that the family supported the Noble's and this is his revenge. He also feels the City Clerk was not loyal to him so that was his retribution on her. However, Mayor Gallo set up a very interesting dynamic in the City Budget that will fuck over the Democratic party if Polacco is successful in November and we are confident that he will be, he cut out Noble's job, so while Noble won the battle, Mayor Gallo may still win the war. When Polacco becomes Mayor, Noble will be out of a job and Gallo will be vindicated that the party put up a weak candidate with no record that is not ready for prime time and cost their party the biggest office in the City. Simply put Gallo in his budget is saying to the City Democratic committee, go fuck yourself. Noble will lose his job and the City Dems will lose the front office that they have taken for granted and abused for over 21 years. The City Democratic Committee will be held responsible and Gallo will walk away with vindication. The man has his flaws and is a nutcase but he is fucking brilliant.
One person that benefited was Police Chief Tinti, as a gangster you wont hear me say a bad word about cops or Judges but he's a smooth cat he played Gallo and I think he's smart in a Machavalian type way. I give him credit, no way Tinti didn't know how crazy Gallo was but he had Gallo convinced he was a great Mayor and Gallo fell hook line and sinker for the good cop bad cop move Tinti laid on him. Hey more power to Tinti, he also has a contract so his job is safe under new leadership. Tinti emerged as the big winner in the Gallo budget.
On a side note Gallo cut Steve Noble out of the budget but he left Julie Noble's job in place that was nice of him, he could have easily slashed both but he probably recognizes Julie is the bread winner and wear the pants and he doesn't want Stevie Wonder to go hungry. Speaking of Julie Noble she didn't disappoint at this morning's debate, I got some heat for saying this before but damn she is sexy, she's got a body that don't quit. Julie was wearing this cute little sweater dress that was adorable with the cute boots to match...marrrone.
The race for County Executive
Terry Bernardo is gaining ground on Hein every day we hear that Hein is nervous, he wont go to public events has refused to debate but will do a debate with the Freeman that practically blows him if he sneezes. This is Terry's time to shine and I predict he will clean his clock because he will be forced to answer real questions. How can you claim you want Ulster County to be the healthiest county in NYS when you cut mental heath services that has lead to a drug epidemic in this county and the smoke and mirrors of all his failed plans and promises. Thursday is Terry's day.
Ron Polacco came out of the first debate at the chamber as the clear winner. Polacco made his case to the Chamber as to why Kingston hasn't progressed in the last 21 years saying:" we've had the same leadership and that the status quo is not enough anymore". Now he did not say Democrats were the problem and that's interesting. A person asked me earlier in the day he obviously meant Democrats because we've had Democrats for the last 21 years in the Mayor's office, which is true but I don't think he was talking about Democrats specifically, there are a lot of Democrats that are supporting Polacco. In my opinion as a political pundit and the Godfather of politics in this County, Polacco was talking about political dynasties in Kingston for the last 21 years. This City elects candidates based on who they drank with in high school and they elect candidates based on their last name, lets be real if Steve Noble was Steve Smith, he would have a hard time being taken seriously as a candidate for Alderman let alone the Democratic nominee for Mayor of the City of Kingston. He's an effeminate zoo keeper at parks and rec that got his job through Nepotism, he is the very definition of a crony. Back in 2007-2009 around that time both him and his wife were part time, they held Mayor Sottile hostage to make them full time, they were telling the schools to call the Mayor and pretty much were blaming him for them leaving and accusing him of firing them. In any other job they would have been shown the door, they were literally giving the council an ultimatum, give us more money or benefits or we will leave and you will lose all these programs because we are not replaceable You can do that in the private sector if you're worth it you get the raise but you don't do that in the public sector, they barley had the job a few years and the job was created specifically for them because of who Steve's Uncle is, for them it was and never has been about public service its been public entitlement, Im a Noble Im entitled to be Mayor you know who my Uncle is . Sottile was furious with them over there power grab than btw, he and Uncle Jimmy battled it and in the end the counsel amended the budget and caved to them, why because they were the Noble family a political dynasty in this City.
During the entire Democratic primary between all we heard was which family should lead this city the Gambinos or the Westies. The Gallos or the Noble's. Whity Buldger won. Not once in the primary did we hear their ideas because they don't care about the City they care about power it was about who had the bigger Dick, and what faction of the Democratic party would run the city, no ideas were offered just attacks on both sides that left a lot to be desired for both of them. In my opinion Polacco was saying It's enough of the Gallo's and the Noble's and the political dynasties that have ruled Kingston for 21 yrs that have taken for granted and abused the enrollment advantage they have knowing that they could do whatever the hell they wanted and they'd still win. For the last 21 years these political families that are no different than the mafia in the way they rule, have had a big party and now we are stuck with the hang over. Mayor Gallo in his concession speech said this election wasn't about me it was about we. Now it very much was about him and Noble and not about we the electorate but it's about time it is about us and about electing a person that's running because they love Kingston, love public service and have had a passion to do this their entire life not because they were born with a certain last name and think it's their birth right.
Kingston also need a leader and Ron Polacco is that leader he has given answers on positions such as that he supports the Catskill Mountain Railroad, that he's against the Rupco Project on Cedar st, that he's against the bike lane on Broadway, he's promised to lower taxes and bring in jobs, you know where he stands.. Noble wont tell you were he stands, like Polacco said with Noble you get the status quo he wont give you an answer on any of these issues, he says well maybe we don't need a bike lane now, but maybe it could be phased in, maybe Rupco can build but I don't support it because Gallo does and of course I gotta check with Uncle Jimmy and my 110k a year assistant first. Polacco is clear on his positions that we need a pro jobs Mayor that his administration will focus on economic development, that he will bring in tourism and cut taxes and say no to certain things. The most important thing to why this City must elect Ron Polacco is that he is telling people the truth, not just telling people what they want to hear, he's choosing integrity over popularity and that my friends is leadership and the qualities you want in a Mayor.
Some will say how will he do it? Well Id rather have someone that has the passion to attempt to do it then someone running because they think they are entitled to elected office. To paraphrase 50 Cent, Polacco will bring Kingston back to prosperity or die tryin' and that's good enough for me. The guy has a background in finance was a city Alderman in a Ward where Democrats outnumber Republicans at least 2:1, and he was responsive approachable, he'll answer your calls and genuinely cares. Having a Republican Mayor will force City government to work for the people, Polacco will have a Democratic majority that will be veto proof, so the only way any of them will get things done will be to listen to one another and compromise on certain issues and that benefits us because that's how government is supposed to be run. Our other alternative is a nephew running the Executive branch of government and his Uncle running the legislative and they are both Democrats with a huge majority on the council. Absolute power corrupts, absolutely. With Noble you will get more of the same, higher taxes, the only people that will benefit are the Noble's. This is a no brainer!
Gallo's Budget
Gallo made some interesting changes to this years City budget, he cut the City Clerks salary by 8k, he cut the City Clerk's assistant who is related to Justice Gilpatric to half time. Gallo who once called Justice Gilpatric a little Cunt at Sea Deli feels that the family supported the Noble's and this is his revenge. He also feels the City Clerk was not loyal to him so that was his retribution on her. However, Mayor Gallo set up a very interesting dynamic in the City Budget that will fuck over the Democratic party if Polacco is successful in November and we are confident that he will be, he cut out Noble's job, so while Noble won the battle, Mayor Gallo may still win the war. When Polacco becomes Mayor, Noble will be out of a job and Gallo will be vindicated that the party put up a weak candidate with no record that is not ready for prime time and cost their party the biggest office in the City. Simply put Gallo in his budget is saying to the City Democratic committee, go fuck yourself. Noble will lose his job and the City Dems will lose the front office that they have taken for granted and abused for over 21 years. The City Democratic Committee will be held responsible and Gallo will walk away with vindication. The man has his flaws and is a nutcase but he is fucking brilliant.
One person that benefited was Police Chief Tinti, as a gangster you wont hear me say a bad word about cops or Judges but he's a smooth cat he played Gallo and I think he's smart in a Machavalian type way. I give him credit, no way Tinti didn't know how crazy Gallo was but he had Gallo convinced he was a great Mayor and Gallo fell hook line and sinker for the good cop bad cop move Tinti laid on him. Hey more power to Tinti, he also has a contract so his job is safe under new leadership. Tinti emerged as the big winner in the Gallo budget.
On a side note Gallo cut Steve Noble out of the budget but he left Julie Noble's job in place that was nice of him, he could have easily slashed both but he probably recognizes Julie is the bread winner and wear the pants and he doesn't want Stevie Wonder to go hungry. Speaking of Julie Noble she didn't disappoint at this morning's debate, I got some heat for saying this before but damn she is sexy, she's got a body that don't quit. Julie was wearing this cute little sweater dress that was adorable with the cute boots to match...marrrone.
The race for County Executive
Terry Bernardo is gaining ground on Hein every day we hear that Hein is nervous, he wont go to public events has refused to debate but will do a debate with the Freeman that practically blows him if he sneezes. This is Terry's time to shine and I predict he will clean his clock because he will be forced to answer real questions. How can you claim you want Ulster County to be the healthiest county in NYS when you cut mental heath services that has lead to a drug epidemic in this county and the smoke and mirrors of all his failed plans and promises. Thursday is Terry's day.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
We apologize its been so long since our last post, we've been busy it is an election season after all!!
First lets talk about the race for County Executive Terry Bernardo is everywhere making ground on the Mighty Heiny who is no where to be seen, yes he's all over billboards but he's not wearing out the shoe leather like Bernardo. Thus far he has skipped two debates and a meet the candidate night last night at the Birches in Esopus. He's the Where's Waldo of Ulster County. Maybe he's just busy juggling his two separate lives.
On the race for Kingston Mayor Ron Polacco is every where, he really is working hard, we see him at least three times a week out there with his clipboard talking with voters. Polacco is the only choice for Mayor as far as we are concerned. You cant have one family running both branches of government, maybe next year his wife will run for City Judge and than they can control all three branches. If Steve Noble's last name was Smith he wouldn't even be a candidate for dog catcher lets get real. With Steve Noble we will get high taxes, bike lanes, composting (which causes rats), and more of the same that we have gotten for the last 21 years.
The Noble campaign is spreading a campaign of lies and hate telling anyone who will listen that deals have been cut to give Gallo and Zweben jobs if Polacco wins, which couldn't be further from the truth. Polacco has the experience to handle the job on day one, he's ready to lead. Polacco's focus will be to bring in jobs and cut wasteful spending. Steve Noble wants to hire a 110k "assistant" to do the job he's not qualified to do. Being Mayor is about leadership doing the job you are elected to do, it's not just shaking hands and cutting ribbons, if Steve Noble wants that type job he should petition to amend the charter and change the job as Mayor from a strong Mayor form of government to having a City Manager form, which is pretty much what he is proposing now. Which is why a lot of Democrats are supporting Polacco because they know Noble is in over his head.
On election day we encourage all to vote for Ron Polacco and Jeannette Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at large respectively.
Updates will now be regular and we will have something on the council races tomorrow.
On a side note recently the "Ethics" committee which was formed in the most unethical manner found Brad Will guilty of ethics violations in regards to Pike plan, it's complete bullshit and revenge by a lame duck Mayor and I have to say it really pisses me off. Jean Jacobs should be ashamed of herself and Andy Champ Doran who got crushed in the primary against Will thinks this will help him? Forrrrgettttabouuutttit! A wise Kingston Alderman Anthony Crispino, may he rest in peace, used to say : The people arnt as stupid as we think. This is pure bullshit!!!
First lets talk about the race for County Executive Terry Bernardo is everywhere making ground on the Mighty Heiny who is no where to be seen, yes he's all over billboards but he's not wearing out the shoe leather like Bernardo. Thus far he has skipped two debates and a meet the candidate night last night at the Birches in Esopus. He's the Where's Waldo of Ulster County. Maybe he's just busy juggling his two separate lives.
On the race for Kingston Mayor Ron Polacco is every where, he really is working hard, we see him at least three times a week out there with his clipboard talking with voters. Polacco is the only choice for Mayor as far as we are concerned. You cant have one family running both branches of government, maybe next year his wife will run for City Judge and than they can control all three branches. If Steve Noble's last name was Smith he wouldn't even be a candidate for dog catcher lets get real. With Steve Noble we will get high taxes, bike lanes, composting (which causes rats), and more of the same that we have gotten for the last 21 years.
The Noble campaign is spreading a campaign of lies and hate telling anyone who will listen that deals have been cut to give Gallo and Zweben jobs if Polacco wins, which couldn't be further from the truth. Polacco has the experience to handle the job on day one, he's ready to lead. Polacco's focus will be to bring in jobs and cut wasteful spending. Steve Noble wants to hire a 110k "assistant" to do the job he's not qualified to do. Being Mayor is about leadership doing the job you are elected to do, it's not just shaking hands and cutting ribbons, if Steve Noble wants that type job he should petition to amend the charter and change the job as Mayor from a strong Mayor form of government to having a City Manager form, which is pretty much what he is proposing now. Which is why a lot of Democrats are supporting Polacco because they know Noble is in over his head.
On election day we encourage all to vote for Ron Polacco and Jeannette Provanzano for Mayor and Alderman at large respectively.
Updates will now be regular and we will have something on the council races tomorrow.
On a side note recently the "Ethics" committee which was formed in the most unethical manner found Brad Will guilty of ethics violations in regards to Pike plan, it's complete bullshit and revenge by a lame duck Mayor and I have to say it really pisses me off. Jean Jacobs should be ashamed of herself and Andy Champ Doran who got crushed in the primary against Will thinks this will help him? Forrrrgettttabouuutttit! A wise Kingston Alderman Anthony Crispino, may he rest in peace, used to say : The people arnt as stupid as we think. This is pure bullshit!!!
Monday, September 28, 2015
Sorry we've been busy Major update this evening!
We will update you on Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo his last days in office. Steve Noble's less than stellar record on the RRA board and much more.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
The Omerta Report--- Post Primary Report
Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo went down in flames last Thursday night with Steve Noble trouncing the outgoing Mayor with 57% of the vote. Noble ran a very shitty campaign, he made mistake after mistake and did everything in the world to hurt himself but still won and won big! In reality this election was not so much Noble winning as it was Gallo losing. Not to take anything away from the kid at all, I'm sure he does a good job at the zoo with the animals but I would be willing to bet there are a lot of Democrats that woke up Friday morning kicking themselves that they did not run...two people that immediately come to mind are Bill Reynolds and Dave Donaldson both who would have easily won. Another two come to mind as well; the first is Hayes Clement, that was the race that people wanted to see and I have to think especially after losing by six votes four years ago that Clement had to have thought about running and has to be kicking himself now that he didn't. The other is less obvious and that is Jim Noble, the Uncle of Steve. I don't care what he says, in his heart of hearts he would love to be Mayor and everyone but him knew that he was the obvious successor to Sottile four years ago and would have destroyed Gallo in the primary then or last Thursday. In the back of Jimmy Noble's mind he wishes it was him and not the nephew, without question.
The general election could go either way but with a divided Democratic party and with Ron Polacco having four lines he is the odds on favorite. Eight years ago in 2007, sitting Poughkeepsie Mayor Nancy Cozean was beat in the Democratic primary by Fred Knapp, in a vicious primary that mirrors the Gallo/Noble primary but in the general election despite a huge enrollment advantage for Knapp he lost to Republican Tkazyik who was a former member of the Poughkeepsie Common Council, it's amazing the similarities of the race. Why did Tkazyik win despite the enrollment advantage for Dems? Same reason Polacco will win: a divided Democratic party that was pissed that their Mayor was ousted and a need in the City for change of a one party dominated City for so long.
Polacco will balance City government in the sense that Jim Noble has already been reelected, he has no race, so unless you want one family running both the Executive and legislative branches of city government than you have no choice but to support Polacco. Polacco a two term Alderman that served on the council's powerful Finance committee oversaw four budgets as Alderman and has the experience, he will however have to deal with a veto proof common council that will likely be 9-0. Again though for the first time in 21 years Kingston will have checks and balances in our government. You can't have one family being that powerful. The Noble family will essentially become Gambino family in Kingston, controlling city government completely with an iron fist and more employees on city in government than I have fingers and toes, but I am missing a pinky finger from a bad bet that happened a long time ago, details not needed. I think it was John Gotti that said Absolute power corrupts absolutely! ;) But for real!
Knapp Beats Sitting Mayor Cozean
From Wikipedia:
Tkazyik was elected to the City of Poughkeepsie Common Council in 2001. He was reelected to the Council in 2003 and 2005. He successfully ran for mayor in November 2007 and served on the Common Council until he took that office on January 1, 2008. He was sworn into office as the City of Poughkeepsie's second youngest mayor. He was reelected to a second term in 2011
Team Gallo is bitter as ever! I will tell you that we heard Ellen DiFalco was in tears on Friday morning at City hall and crazy Uncle Joe is about to lose it, I ran into him on primary night and he threatened to have the commission whack me out. I also ran into Alderwoman Dawson the other day who was not her friendly self in my presence, the fact is the Kingston Capo is gone and Gallocrats are sore winners, I can't imagine what they are gunna be like the next few months as losers. I will say it's been an emotional few days for our family too, a civil war is never good and a Gallo losing even if it is Shayne hurts my heart on some level. I really feel bad for Nancy Gallo, my second favorite Gallo.
Common Council:
Wards 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, are all going to be Democrat no matter what, we are happy that Seche got his balls cut off by his no name challenger.
Wards six and nine will be competitive we give the advantage to Davis is six but support Corchran and the advantage to Johnson in Nine and support her candidacy as well.
County Legislature:
Congrats to Jennifer Schwartz Berky on her victory, great lady, Woltman is a friend of mine, we at Goodfellas thought she would be a good choice but voters felt differently and wish the new legislator elect the best of luck!
County Exec:
Not a good week for our Boss Mike Hein
We hear one of his deputy Exec's was busted over the weekend for a dwi and then we say this in the comment section of the blog regarding CSEA ENDORSEMENT:
Mike Hein went down in flames last night at CSEA region 3. Cimorelli did piss poor job.
Joyce Howard and John Staino were his only supporters.
Both are running next year for region office. Important to let all county employees know that Cimorelli Warnock Joyce Howard and staino cannot get elected next year or Hein will have card blanch in ulster county CSEA.
On top of all that we have confermation that Christine Hein is now a Kingston resident living with her Mom on Hoffman Street. Not a good news week for Ulster Capo Mike Hein
Terry Bernardo meanwhile held a fundraiser on the train that drew more than 200 people could we be witnessing the upset of the year?
Also we will post later with reults from Ulster GOP Caucus regarding the race for Town Supervisor: GO TEAM QUIGLEY!!!
The general election could go either way but with a divided Democratic party and with Ron Polacco having four lines he is the odds on favorite. Eight years ago in 2007, sitting Poughkeepsie Mayor Nancy Cozean was beat in the Democratic primary by Fred Knapp, in a vicious primary that mirrors the Gallo/Noble primary but in the general election despite a huge enrollment advantage for Knapp he lost to Republican Tkazyik who was a former member of the Poughkeepsie Common Council, it's amazing the similarities of the race. Why did Tkazyik win despite the enrollment advantage for Dems? Same reason Polacco will win: a divided Democratic party that was pissed that their Mayor was ousted and a need in the City for change of a one party dominated City for so long.
Polacco will balance City government in the sense that Jim Noble has already been reelected, he has no race, so unless you want one family running both the Executive and legislative branches of city government than you have no choice but to support Polacco. Polacco a two term Alderman that served on the council's powerful Finance committee oversaw four budgets as Alderman and has the experience, he will however have to deal with a veto proof common council that will likely be 9-0. Again though for the first time in 21 years Kingston will have checks and balances in our government. You can't have one family being that powerful. The Noble family will essentially become Gambino family in Kingston, controlling city government completely with an iron fist and more employees on city in government than I have fingers and toes, but I am missing a pinky finger from a bad bet that happened a long time ago, details not needed. I think it was John Gotti that said Absolute power corrupts absolutely! ;) But for real!
Knapp Beats Sitting Mayor Cozean
From Wikipedia:
Tkazyik was elected to the City of Poughkeepsie Common Council in 2001. He was reelected to the Council in 2003 and 2005. He successfully ran for mayor in November 2007 and served on the Common Council until he took that office on January 1, 2008. He was sworn into office as the City of Poughkeepsie's second youngest mayor. He was reelected to a second term in 2011
Team Gallo is bitter as ever! I will tell you that we heard Ellen DiFalco was in tears on Friday morning at City hall and crazy Uncle Joe is about to lose it, I ran into him on primary night and he threatened to have the commission whack me out. I also ran into Alderwoman Dawson the other day who was not her friendly self in my presence, the fact is the Kingston Capo is gone and Gallocrats are sore winners, I can't imagine what they are gunna be like the next few months as losers. I will say it's been an emotional few days for our family too, a civil war is never good and a Gallo losing even if it is Shayne hurts my heart on some level. I really feel bad for Nancy Gallo, my second favorite Gallo.
Common Council:
Wards 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, are all going to be Democrat no matter what, we are happy that Seche got his balls cut off by his no name challenger.
Wards six and nine will be competitive we give the advantage to Davis is six but support Corchran and the advantage to Johnson in Nine and support her candidacy as well.
County Legislature:
Congrats to Jennifer Schwartz Berky on her victory, great lady, Woltman is a friend of mine, we at Goodfellas thought she would be a good choice but voters felt differently and wish the new legislator elect the best of luck!
County Exec:
Not a good week for our Boss Mike Hein
We hear one of his deputy Exec's was busted over the weekend for a dwi and then we say this in the comment section of the blog regarding CSEA ENDORSEMENT:
Mike Hein went down in flames last night at CSEA region 3. Cimorelli did piss poor job.
Joyce Howard and John Staino were his only supporters.
Both are running next year for region office. Important to let all county employees know that Cimorelli Warnock Joyce Howard and staino cannot get elected next year or Hein will have card blanch in ulster county CSEA.
On top of all that we have confermation that Christine Hein is now a Kingston resident living with her Mom on Hoffman Street. Not a good news week for Ulster Capo Mike Hein
Terry Bernardo meanwhile held a fundraiser on the train that drew more than 200 people could we be witnessing the upset of the year?
Also we will post later with reults from Ulster GOP Caucus regarding the race for Town Supervisor: GO TEAM QUIGLEY!!!
Friday, September 11, 2015
Gallo: The Lord Let Kingston Down By Not Reelecting me!
Actual quote from last night during his concession speech
Thursday, September 10, 2015
In the words of Donald Trump: Gallo You're Fired!
Big victory for team Noble tonight and he should enjoy it while it lasts cuz we thinks out next Mayor will be Alderman Ron Polacco. This is a good night for the City of Kingston nonetheless. Gallo stabbed all is friends in the back, his friends that knew what they were doing and got him elected four years ago. Gallo's arrogance just couldn't see that and he surrounded himself with people that had no clue on how to run a campaign and the results of tonight's election show that. Now Shayne Gallo knows how it feels to be betrayed by his friends and humiliated publicly by people that loved him and who thought were loved by him back. In many ways this breaks my heart. We could have went places me and Shayne, he could have been our Attorney General, he's smart and loveable and it saddens me to a point that the Kingston Capo was clipped tonight from his office but he had to go. So much potential wasted because of his narcissism and unresolved mental health issues and parinoia. Poor Shayne, I cried a little tonight, I take no pleasure in Gallo's defeat, I don't. It's bitter sweet. I can't help but think what could have been. Congrats to Noble for getting the job done, it's now time to elect the most qualified candidate left running; Ron Polacco.
Primary Update
Heavy turnout so far in Kingston! Turnout higher than 2011 primary!!!
primary question of day: If Gallo loses does he fire Zweben tonight or does he wait until Monday?!
primary question of day: If Gallo loses does he fire Zweben tonight or does he wait until Monday?!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Parete and Woltman Deserve Your Votes Too
We also want to remind you guys to vote for two friends of ours that are involved in legislative primaries tomorrow as well: Rich Parete in Accord, Marbletown and Brian Woltman in Kingston. Also it goes without saying please vote for Jim Noble in addition to voting for Steve tomorrow.
BREAKING: Junior League Prez Beth Hannigan To Man Gallo HQ's For Primary According TO Internal Gallo Memo
Below you will find that Beth Hannigan, the same non political Beth Hannigan that is involved in the Junior League, will be manning HQ's for Gallo's reelection effort tomorrow.
This proves without a doubt that the entire Forsyth Park "fiasco", was a manufactured story to try and discredit Steve Noble.
Tomorrow is election day, I encourage you all to flood the below numbers with calls asking that Shayne Gallo and Beth Hannigan apoligize to Steve Noble.
While you're at it don't forget to vote Steve Noble in the Primary.
This proves without a doubt that the entire Forsyth Park "fiasco", was a manufactured story to try and discredit Steve Noble.
Tomorrow is election day, I encourage you all to flood the below numbers with calls asking that Shayne Gallo and Beth Hannigan apoligize to Steve Noble.
While you're at it don't forget to vote Steve Noble in the Primary.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
SHOCK POLL: Gallo Down By Five, Noble Looking At A Comfy Primary Win
The Gallo campaign is down by five points according to new polling data we have uncovered. The end of the Gallo legacy is upon us, Thursday Kingston Democrats will go to the polls and vote to see who will be Kingston's Capo for our family.
The last few weeks have been nasty by team Gallo throwing anything that will stick at Team Noble whether it be correct or not. The other day Gallo sent out a four page mailer attacking Steve Noble that was so bad that if I were Steve Noble I wouldn't even be upset. What is it with Gallo's constant blowing of Gregg Swanzi, please guys can you both stop sucking each other cocks for three seconds, it's gross.
Speaking of sucking cock, Mayor Gallo has faithfully, ( no pun intended) been on his knees for County Executive Mike Hein since the day he was sworn in as Mayor and Mike Hein had been silent on this election, not a peep from the guy, talk about a slap in the face. Should Kingston Capo Shayne Gallo prevail on Thursday we can't imagine he'll forget that his buddy Hein left him to fight for himself. Hein and Gallo, two arrogant egomaniacs who at the end of the day are all about themselves.
The reason why Noble will oust Gallo is simple, Noble's ground game is better, he's working harder than Shayne doing the things Gallo did four years ago.. Knocking on doors, putting together a strong gotv effort ect. Mayor Gallo is focusing on mailers and legacy to guide him to victory because quite frankly that's all he has left, he has no one on his campaign to put together the campaign he had four years ago. The chickens are finally coming home to roost for Kingston Capo Shayne Gallo!
Hugh Reynolds made the perfect case as to why on Thursday you should vote for Steve Noble. He painted a story of what will happen Thursday night in both camps if the other candidate loses. Gallo he said would be pounding his fists on the street yelling treason, treason. Noble if he loses will look at his sexy wife give her a hug and look for a new job. That sums it up right there, with Steve Noble you get a man of class, a man that will conduct himself professionally and represent our City in a respectful manner. We can't afford four more years of Shayne Gallo the man is fucking crazy, let's call a spade a spade. Gallo has hurt the lives of many innocent people and his inability to control himself has costs this city millions. Gallo's refusal to get help for his severe daddy issues and bipolar make him a huge liability to Kingston.
Then there is the other thing of legacy, Gallo talks about legacy, yeah that's why he's in office. Shayne Gallo is in office because he had a brother that people loved a brother that he couldn't hold a candle to, a brother that would be voting for Steve Noble if he where alive today. That's all Gallo has is legacy, he had a good family name and that's it. The guy has done nothing since taking office but go around getting revenge on people he feel wronged him over the years and turning his back on friends that put him in that front office, ignoring the people that would call him a lunatic behind his back.
If Shayne Gallo's last name was Smith he wouldn't be dog catcher you know it and I know it. This guy needs a little humility in his life, he has shown over the last few years that he is not capable of being Mayor, he doesn't have the ability or the temperament.
On Thursday as a made member of the family I will be voting for Steve Noble and predict that Noble pulls off this election by about 95 votes. God help us and Kingston if I'm wrong!
The last few weeks have been nasty by team Gallo throwing anything that will stick at Team Noble whether it be correct or not. The other day Gallo sent out a four page mailer attacking Steve Noble that was so bad that if I were Steve Noble I wouldn't even be upset. What is it with Gallo's constant blowing of Gregg Swanzi, please guys can you both stop sucking each other cocks for three seconds, it's gross.
Speaking of sucking cock, Mayor Gallo has faithfully, ( no pun intended) been on his knees for County Executive Mike Hein since the day he was sworn in as Mayor and Mike Hein had been silent on this election, not a peep from the guy, talk about a slap in the face. Should Kingston Capo Shayne Gallo prevail on Thursday we can't imagine he'll forget that his buddy Hein left him to fight for himself. Hein and Gallo, two arrogant egomaniacs who at the end of the day are all about themselves.
The reason why Noble will oust Gallo is simple, Noble's ground game is better, he's working harder than Shayne doing the things Gallo did four years ago.. Knocking on doors, putting together a strong gotv effort ect. Mayor Gallo is focusing on mailers and legacy to guide him to victory because quite frankly that's all he has left, he has no one on his campaign to put together the campaign he had four years ago. The chickens are finally coming home to roost for Kingston Capo Shayne Gallo!
Hugh Reynolds made the perfect case as to why on Thursday you should vote for Steve Noble. He painted a story of what will happen Thursday night in both camps if the other candidate loses. Gallo he said would be pounding his fists on the street yelling treason, treason. Noble if he loses will look at his sexy wife give her a hug and look for a new job. That sums it up right there, with Steve Noble you get a man of class, a man that will conduct himself professionally and represent our City in a respectful manner. We can't afford four more years of Shayne Gallo the man is fucking crazy, let's call a spade a spade. Gallo has hurt the lives of many innocent people and his inability to control himself has costs this city millions. Gallo's refusal to get help for his severe daddy issues and bipolar make him a huge liability to Kingston.
Then there is the other thing of legacy, Gallo talks about legacy, yeah that's why he's in office. Shayne Gallo is in office because he had a brother that people loved a brother that he couldn't hold a candle to, a brother that would be voting for Steve Noble if he where alive today. That's all Gallo has is legacy, he had a good family name and that's it. The guy has done nothing since taking office but go around getting revenge on people he feel wronged him over the years and turning his back on friends that put him in that front office, ignoring the people that would call him a lunatic behind his back.
If Shayne Gallo's last name was Smith he wouldn't be dog catcher you know it and I know it. This guy needs a little humility in his life, he has shown over the last few years that he is not capable of being Mayor, he doesn't have the ability or the temperament.
On Thursday as a made member of the family I will be voting for Steve Noble and predict that Noble pulls off this election by about 95 votes. God help us and Kingston if I'm wrong!
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Gallo Wins Debate
I have to be honest Shayne Gallo won the debate last night at Temple Emanual. Steve Noble did a good job as well no doubt but if I had to pick a winner I have to call it for Gallo. Gallo wasn't afraid to mix it up a bit, he lied, he stretched the facts and was obnoxious but he was the candidate that came across as a leader and came across as more Mayoral. Steve came across nervous at times and his mention of Abel Garrighan at the start of the debate turned me off... Give me a break, the guy was a Gallo supporter that you barly knew, it came across more like a cheap political stunt than sincere condolences. With that being said the crowd clearly supported Steve Noble.
Two notable people each rumored to be the man behind the scenes for their respective candidates were absent from last nights debate, from Team Gallo Andrew Zweben and from Team Noble Tom Hoffay. Some said this was by design that both cause too much heat to their respective candidates and that their presence would cause more harm than good. Others thought each campaign had a van parked outside Temple Emanuel with Zweben and Hoffay wired up feeding answers and positions into their candidates ear.
Gallo said in typical Gallo fashion when asked about nepotism that in his family it's not nepotism it's legacy to boos and cheers from the crowd. Gallo is right in his family it is legacy, his brother T.R. Was Kingston's greatest Mayor and his father was Alderman at Large. Shayne however is tarnishing that family legacy with his constant outbursts, bulling and stuburness. Noble answered the question much better and pointed out the two seperate roles between the legislative branch and the Executive branch and stated very powerfully if something ever happened to me ( like Shayne coming after me in a rage w a chainsaw after I beat him on Sept 10th) there is no one I would have more confidence in to take over the duties of Mayor than Jim Noble to a thunderous applause.
I didn't like Noble's tone on community policing, he suggested body cams and things that I thought were way too progressive for my taste but hey if that's how he feels. Gallo gave Kpd credit but I feel gave way too much to Cheif Tinit, KPD does a good job no question but they did a good job under Keller, an even better job under Keller I may add and the programs Gallo pointed out that he stated have caused a reduction in crime were bullshit. Gallo spewed more bullshit when he called uptown revitalized over the last four years and a ghost town when he took office, he then went on to say that his office has had an open door policy for the last four years that didn't exist over the previous ten. Mayor Sottile had an open door policy, anyone could see Mayor Sottile even if you didn't have an appointment at times. His attacks against Mayor Sottile may have to do with the fact that Mayor Sottile sent out a huge endorsement letter for Steve Noble a few days earlier.
It was funny to watch Steve's wife Julie make faces at her husband and Gallo everytime Shayne would say something that clearly was a lie or an unfair attack. Julie sat right in front and would make faces like did this guy really just say that?! And I have to say Julie Noble was smoking last night, fuck watching those two clowns, I couldn't take my eyes of her, she was wearing this cute little dress, she's got a body that don't quit, was very sexy and the highlight of what was an othersie boring debate.
The debate failed to talk about any real issues and were all soft ball questions, both candidates handed themselves well but neither hit it out of the park. The great debate was a great disappointment on substance. If Kingston Goodfellas was running this debate it would have been a little different...
I would of asked Steve flat out if he thought Gallo had the temperament to be Mayor and asked Gallo what he thought of Steve's lack of experience and whether he could handle the job. I than would have addressed the gay rumors with Gallo about Steve and said look at his wife, no way this guy is gay and me and Shayne would have continued to have a 15 min converatIon on what kinda panties we thought she was wearing. I than would have grilled Gallo on his sex life and what it must be like to be a single man as Mayor, the fun this guy has... the debate would have been different, you would have got answers to the questions you care about not the soft ball questions that we had last night that put me to sleep.
Speaking if softball questions after the debate Ellen Diflaco and her husband Joe both flipped me off and it was funny because Ellen was real into it, her face was full of rage and you know how in softball what an underhanded pitch looks like? Well that's what she did as she was flipping me off her hand went behind her and came up with a powerful Fuck You!! Lol they have no idea how encouraging as laughable it is to watch them get so upset at us. Anyway we think Gallo won the debate but elections are not decided on debates they are about who is the best candidate, who has the best vision, and who do you think will do the best job and to all of those questions I still say the answer is Steve Noble.
Two notable people each rumored to be the man behind the scenes for their respective candidates were absent from last nights debate, from Team Gallo Andrew Zweben and from Team Noble Tom Hoffay. Some said this was by design that both cause too much heat to their respective candidates and that their presence would cause more harm than good. Others thought each campaign had a van parked outside Temple Emanuel with Zweben and Hoffay wired up feeding answers and positions into their candidates ear.
Gallo said in typical Gallo fashion when asked about nepotism that in his family it's not nepotism it's legacy to boos and cheers from the crowd. Gallo is right in his family it is legacy, his brother T.R. Was Kingston's greatest Mayor and his father was Alderman at Large. Shayne however is tarnishing that family legacy with his constant outbursts, bulling and stuburness. Noble answered the question much better and pointed out the two seperate roles between the legislative branch and the Executive branch and stated very powerfully if something ever happened to me ( like Shayne coming after me in a rage w a chainsaw after I beat him on Sept 10th) there is no one I would have more confidence in to take over the duties of Mayor than Jim Noble to a thunderous applause.
I didn't like Noble's tone on community policing, he suggested body cams and things that I thought were way too progressive for my taste but hey if that's how he feels. Gallo gave Kpd credit but I feel gave way too much to Cheif Tinit, KPD does a good job no question but they did a good job under Keller, an even better job under Keller I may add and the programs Gallo pointed out that he stated have caused a reduction in crime were bullshit. Gallo spewed more bullshit when he called uptown revitalized over the last four years and a ghost town when he took office, he then went on to say that his office has had an open door policy for the last four years that didn't exist over the previous ten. Mayor Sottile had an open door policy, anyone could see Mayor Sottile even if you didn't have an appointment at times. His attacks against Mayor Sottile may have to do with the fact that Mayor Sottile sent out a huge endorsement letter for Steve Noble a few days earlier.
It was funny to watch Steve's wife Julie make faces at her husband and Gallo everytime Shayne would say something that clearly was a lie or an unfair attack. Julie sat right in front and would make faces like did this guy really just say that?! And I have to say Julie Noble was smoking last night, fuck watching those two clowns, I couldn't take my eyes of her, she was wearing this cute little dress, she's got a body that don't quit, was very sexy and the highlight of what was an othersie boring debate.
The debate failed to talk about any real issues and were all soft ball questions, both candidates handed themselves well but neither hit it out of the park. The great debate was a great disappointment on substance. If Kingston Goodfellas was running this debate it would have been a little different...
I would of asked Steve flat out if he thought Gallo had the temperament to be Mayor and asked Gallo what he thought of Steve's lack of experience and whether he could handle the job. I than would have addressed the gay rumors with Gallo about Steve and said look at his wife, no way this guy is gay and me and Shayne would have continued to have a 15 min converatIon on what kinda panties we thought she was wearing. I than would have grilled Gallo on his sex life and what it must be like to be a single man as Mayor, the fun this guy has... the debate would have been different, you would have got answers to the questions you care about not the soft ball questions that we had last night that put me to sleep.
Speaking if softball questions after the debate Ellen Diflaco and her husband Joe both flipped me off and it was funny because Ellen was real into it, her face was full of rage and you know how in softball what an underhanded pitch looks like? Well that's what she did as she was flipping me off her hand went behind her and came up with a powerful Fuck You!! Lol they have no idea how encouraging as laughable it is to watch them get so upset at us. Anyway we think Gallo won the debate but elections are not decided on debates they are about who is the best candidate, who has the best vision, and who do you think will do the best job and to all of those questions I still say the answer is Steve Noble.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
The Omertà Report
The presure is on for Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo after losing his second appeal to try and get back in the Independence and Conservative primaries in the upcoming September primary. Gallo's political career will be decided in less than twenty days and it doesn't look good for the Kingston Capo who's had a series of setbacks in the last few weeks. Gallo seems to be on the constant defense on everything, refuses to take any responsibility for his missteps and continues to make enimies. We hear Gallo told a long time employee in the City clerk's office that she would put two signs up for him.. No really you will said Gallo. The clerk a member of Kingston political royalty has to be shaking her head. The fear and bulling that continues to go on in City Government is unacceptable on September 10th, I will be voting for Steve Noble in the Kingston Democratic primary and I urge members of the family to join me, it's enough! We can't afford another four years of Mayor Gallo/Zweben.
Gallo's recent fundraiser aboard the Rip Van Winkle was lackluster at best we hear it had about 75 people and did one ride. Mayor Sottile would sell out both rides to over 300 people a ride. We find it funny that Troy Ashdown's is telling people that union voters will vote for Gallo and do as they are told, wow someone's ego is awfully inflated, we predict CSEA members will evenly split between Gallo and Noble.
We endorse Brian Woltman to replace Jeanette Provanzano's legislative seat on Sept 10th and hope he pulls out a big victory in that race, we have changed our mind and wish him the best.
Gallo and Noble will debate tomorrow night at Temple Emanual, we will have live updates on the blog, we expect Mayor Gallo to have the edge tomorrow night..
In the Town of Ulster there will also be a Conservative Caucus for candidates, we support the following: Jim Quigley for Supervisor Jared Mance - Town Board Suzanne Platte Reavey Town Clerk.. We offer no endorsement in the race for town Justice as a gangster by profession I don't get involved in Judge races, I could be in front of them and why take the risk of backing the wrong side, we have enough to worry about.
The state of affairs in Town of Ulster politics is ugly to say the least, the Republicans are in an all out war. We hand it to Quigley for a big win the other night getting his main rival Jim Maloney to resign as Chairman of the Republican Party. We are flabbergasted that town Republican and specifically town Conservatives would consider supporting Fred Wadnola for Supervisor, this is the guy that when he was Supervisor of Ulster 12 years ago raised taxes 39% No that's not a typo!
Gallo's recent fundraiser aboard the Rip Van Winkle was lackluster at best we hear it had about 75 people and did one ride. Mayor Sottile would sell out both rides to over 300 people a ride. We find it funny that Troy Ashdown's is telling people that union voters will vote for Gallo and do as they are told, wow someone's ego is awfully inflated, we predict CSEA members will evenly split between Gallo and Noble.
We endorse Brian Woltman to replace Jeanette Provanzano's legislative seat on Sept 10th and hope he pulls out a big victory in that race, we have changed our mind and wish him the best.
Gallo and Noble will debate tomorrow night at Temple Emanual, we will have live updates on the blog, we expect Mayor Gallo to have the edge tomorrow night..
In the Town of Ulster there will also be a Conservative Caucus for candidates, we support the following: Jim Quigley for Supervisor Jared Mance - Town Board Suzanne Platte Reavey Town Clerk.. We offer no endorsement in the race for town Justice as a gangster by profession I don't get involved in Judge races, I could be in front of them and why take the risk of backing the wrong side, we have enough to worry about.
The state of affairs in Town of Ulster politics is ugly to say the least, the Republicans are in an all out war. We hand it to Quigley for a big win the other night getting his main rival Jim Maloney to resign as Chairman of the Republican Party. We are flabbergasted that town Republican and specifically town Conservatives would consider supporting Fred Wadnola for Supervisor, this is the guy that when he was Supervisor of Ulster 12 years ago raised taxes 39% No that's not a typo!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Breaking: Cahill Endorses Polacco for Mayor
Rich Cahill has endorsed Ron Polacco for Mayor breaking from incumbent Shayne Gallo. Good for him maybe we'll leave him alone for a little bit.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Breaking: Gallo will create his own line
We spoke to a soldier in the Kingston Capo's crew that confirmed to us that Shayne Gallo is creating his own party line to have a second line in general election. Noble is probably going to win the Green Party line as it stands today but that could change. This is good news for the Polacco campaign because whoever loses the primary will have a line in the general election. Pollaco has four lines, you couple that with a Democratic split, Ron Polacco is going to be elected Mayor. Especially if Noble wins primary. Gallo supporters are more loyal to Gallo than Noble's supporters.. Gallo would carry about 1200 votes on a minor line in general. Imagine having a Mayor that isn't a member of the good ok boy club, Polacco's chances are very good and are getting better by the day.
Friday, August 7, 2015
Hein's New Goomah?!
![]() |
This may not be the
first time Hein had
an affair. Meet on
your left, his boy
"Incredibly" and on
your right, his girl
Women literally probably throw their panties at the guy, the temptation is too great to ignore and we certainly understand it.

Big Paul Castilano was vilified by his family when he started an affair with his live in maid. Under same roof with his wife. It was one reasons why he was relieved of his duties as boss, it's insulting.
We hear Mrs. Hein asked and rightfully so that the woman be fired or moved and Micheal allegedly refused. This could be interesting. Stay tuned for updates because we are the only political news source with the balls to tell it like it is.
Disclaimer: we will not post any comments with the woman's name, it's not right and we won't have it.
Hein's the Boss and stick with him not anyone else. Also this blog is satire and in no way are we implying Hein fathered two Black kids.
We don't think Hein could handle a black woman in bed to be honest.
Kevin could but not Michael.
Hein's the Boss and stick with him not anyone else. Also this blog is satire and in no way are we implying Hein fathered two Black kids.
We don't think Hein could handle a black woman in bed to be honest.
Kevin could but not Michael.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
How Much is An Endorsement from CSEA Worth?!
We are hearing around that the President of the Ulster County CSEA, Mike Cimorelli recently received a civil service promotion that increased his salary by approx 7k a year. Cimorelli who works for the county at their informational services offices on South Manor Ave in Kingston, went from a Grade 13 Field Tech to a grade 15 Support tech.
It's no secret that Hein has issues with labor unions, specifically CSEA, this is a guy that strongly believes in privatization, he has privatized Golden Hill and practically the entire county mental health department, which has resulted in many job loses in the county work force. All the while The Hein Regime on the sixth floor grows each year, only thing larger than the Executive's staff is the Executive's ego.
With that being said one could understand why CSEA, which represents the most employees in county government would not want to support the guy. The rank and file do not support the guy, we hear that CSEA Union President Cimorelli, after getting a substantial raise in pay, tried to sneak through an endorsement of Hein by bio assign members of local county CSEA and making a recommendation that went straight to the regional office in Beacon while a few key CSEA officials in Ulster County were on vacation. We hear the regional office shot the endorsement down right away and that Cimorelli is appealing, despite fact that rank and file of the Ulster County CSEA do not support Hein.
The more disturbing part about this if this is all true, is that the civil service commission which is appointed by the County Executive, increased Cimorelli's salary on an election year. We weren't born yesterday, we know what time it is, this was a legal bribe with taxpayer dollars! We are all gangsters here and we get the boss of family has to do what he has to do to get re-elected but usually that money goes in a brown paper bag is a one shot deal with the boss' own personal money. To give the guy a raise like that, and that taxpayers have to pay for to get an endorsement from a union he doesn't support is enough to make you wanna vomit. We will have more information about this in next few days.
On top of all that, Hein recently was able to knock Fred Rasmussen off the WFP ballot stopping a potential primary between the two. It's a blessing for the Bernardo campaign that this happened, I'm sure Terry was not looking forward to Hein having his signs and billboard ads out a month early while she would have to wait not being in a primary herself. The interesting or disgusting irony of Hein knocking off Fred is that he hired the Harris Beach law firm, the same law firm that represented the county in the sale of Golden Hill. So Hein hires the same firm that helped destroy countless CSEA union jobs, to secure his position on the ballot if a labor party. That's what WFP is, it's a party that is 90% supported and funded by unions and their platform is union based support. You can't make this shit up.
It's no secret that Hein has issues with labor unions, specifically CSEA, this is a guy that strongly believes in privatization, he has privatized Golden Hill and practically the entire county mental health department, which has resulted in many job loses in the county work force. All the while The Hein Regime on the sixth floor grows each year, only thing larger than the Executive's staff is the Executive's ego.
With that being said one could understand why CSEA, which represents the most employees in county government would not want to support the guy. The rank and file do not support the guy, we hear that CSEA Union President Cimorelli, after getting a substantial raise in pay, tried to sneak through an endorsement of Hein by bio assign members of local county CSEA and making a recommendation that went straight to the regional office in Beacon while a few key CSEA officials in Ulster County were on vacation. We hear the regional office shot the endorsement down right away and that Cimorelli is appealing, despite fact that rank and file of the Ulster County CSEA do not support Hein.
The more disturbing part about this if this is all true, is that the civil service commission which is appointed by the County Executive, increased Cimorelli's salary on an election year. We weren't born yesterday, we know what time it is, this was a legal bribe with taxpayer dollars! We are all gangsters here and we get the boss of family has to do what he has to do to get re-elected but usually that money goes in a brown paper bag is a one shot deal with the boss' own personal money. To give the guy a raise like that, and that taxpayers have to pay for to get an endorsement from a union he doesn't support is enough to make you wanna vomit. We will have more information about this in next few days.
On top of all that, Hein recently was able to knock Fred Rasmussen off the WFP ballot stopping a potential primary between the two. It's a blessing for the Bernardo campaign that this happened, I'm sure Terry was not looking forward to Hein having his signs and billboard ads out a month early while she would have to wait not being in a primary herself. The interesting or disgusting irony of Hein knocking off Fred is that he hired the Harris Beach law firm, the same law firm that represented the county in the sale of Golden Hill. So Hein hires the same firm that helped destroy countless CSEA union jobs, to secure his position on the ballot if a labor party. That's what WFP is, it's a party that is 90% supported and funded by unions and their platform is union based support. You can't make this shit up.
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Breaking: Quigley Changes Mind
Town Supervisor Jim Quigley ha changed his mind and decided to challenge Fred Wadnolda for Supervisor at GOP Caucus. wow! We told you he wasn't gunna retire!!
The Omerta Report -- Gallo's Campaign Impolding
As we have all heard by now Kingston Mayor Shayne Gallo is not having a great week but before we get to the obvious we wanted to address the CSEA endorsement of Gallo. The CSEA endorsed Shayne Gallo's reelection and here is why it doesn't matter and why it is all smoke and mirrors. The CSEA endorsement was not a fair endorsement by any means nor was there anyway they were going to support anyone but Gallo. This is not us being bitter, the Second Noble and Polacco got their questionnaire they had to of known they were not getting it. The contact person was a woman named Jill and we like Jill and respect her so we will not post her last name or say she personally did anything wrong but we must point out that this woman is Mayor Shayne Gallo's cousin and not only did she lead the interview process and interview all the Mayoral candidates; before she conducted a single interview for Mayor or read a single one of their questionnaire responses she went out and got Mayor Gallo close to 100 signatures to get him on the Democratic ballot. This was not a fair open process by any means it is all smoke and mirrors, don't forget Shayne Gallo used to work for CSEA as a labor specialist before he was FIRED for his erratic behavior, these are all facts, look into them. Ask Howard Baul, the Current CSEA labor specialist what he thinks of Shayne Gallo. CSEA endorsement was delivered to Gallo by his cousin and Troy Ashdown's friends both his cousin and Ashdown's work together and are good people and they did their boss a solid and he owes them for the P.R. Splash but the rank and file members are not voting for the guy, they are smarter than that.
With that being said we an get on to what the entire City is buzzing about: On Tuesday the Board of Elections threw Shayne Gallo off both the Independence and Conservative party lines after his campaign failed to file his acceptances on time. To be honest this baffles us, we knew from day one that the Gallo campaign would look like amateur hour, Gallo's key team that put him in office are all no longer associated with the man or his campaign and the remaining few that are leave a lot to be desired in terms of campaign experience.. Mayor Gallo himself has no idea how to run a political campaign, all the nuts and bolts of it were done for him four years ago and he took a lot of that for granted. However, the acceptance form is such a simple thing to do and with Andrew Zweben as his attorney it defies logic how it could have happened. Zweben may be pure evil but he's smart when it comes to election law he knows the process, he knew this had to be done. Zweben we hear was practically living at the B.O.E.the last few weeks and we just do not understand why he did not file that form during one of the many times he was in that building last week.
Zweben has told people many different reasons as to why it was late, he claims he never got the acceptance letter from the board until the last day, while the general public may hear that and shed a tear the people that know this process just call bullshit on it. Lets say the boe never sent it out at all, Andrew knows it had to be filled and he knows that he can get that form at the board by going in and asking for it or by going on the website and printing it off, there is no excuse as to why this was late.
In our opinion not only was it late but we do not believe for a second that the envelope that was sent into the Board of elections was stamped in his office on the 13th, we believe it was much more devious than that. We believe it was back dated for the 13th after they realized on the 14th it was late. First that's not the type of form you mail in especially if you're in a hotly contested race and live in City of Kingston where BOE office is located. You certainly wouldn't mail it in if it's the 13th and the form is due on the 13th, you drive to the boe and file it yourself or you go to the post office and walk inside and watch the clerk stamp it in front of you. We believe neither of these things happened because it was prepared and signed on the 14th. No way Andy on the day of deadline just threw it in the mail and hoped for the best, no reasonable person that knows this process believes that.
There are others who believe that Andrew deliberately fucked Gallo out of these two lines because he is sick of his shit and constantly being embarrassed in front of people by the Mayor. Some do give Andrew the benifit of the doubt and blame Gallo for over extending Zweben. The guy does wear a lot of different hats, from Gallo's shoe shiner, legal adviser, to his campaign manager, to the spokesman of the city, the henchman trying beat up and discredit Gallo's precised enemies. It could be that Andy just had his hand in too many different things and took his eye off the ball. We may never know real reason but regardless what the reason is the bottom line is the paper was late and Zweben fucked up big time and handed Ron Polacco the Independence and Conservative party lines in the November election.
Gallo is in a due or die situation for the Democratic primary now, the only way he can win reelection is by winning September primary. No word on whether Gallo will or even has the organization at this point to get the 600 required signatures to create his own line.
We also find it ironic that after weeks of Gallo and Zweben relentlessly blasting Noble over the mere possibility of the City losing money because of the mistakes in paperwork Noble allegedly made, the guy can't even get his own petitions in order to get him on the ballot, talk about incompetent! Maybe Gallo should of had Swanzy examine his acceptances instead of Noble's grants. Lastly it is poetic justice that it was Jeremy Blaber that filled the objections that knocked Gallo off the lines and possibly what will end his career as Mayor.
Gallo is known to be an awful public speaker and does not want to participate in any debates. How dare anyone run against him anyway. They are not worthy to share the same stage with him in his opinion and doesnt want to be bothered.
We hear yesterday in the midst of seeing his tenure as Mayor flash before his eyes he found out that the league of women voters had organized and scheduled a debate between all the candidates for Mayor a few days before the Democratic primary at City Hall. Our sources in City Hall tell us Gallo screamed and berated City Clerk Carly Williams questioning her loyalty and competence for doing her job and allowing them to reserve space, saying it was not the appropriate venue for it.
Is this guy losing it?? It was the appropriate venue four years ago when candidate Gallo participated in a debate at city hall when running for mayor. It was an appropriate event two years ago for his girlfriend to use city hall to organize an event for some organization shes associated with. It was an appropriate venue to hold the wfp convention in back in 2011 that he won or the Democratic convention that same year where he was crushed.
Gallo's brother restored Kingston City Hall for Kingstonians alike to use and enjoy, it is unconscionable for Mayor Gallo to say the residents of the city of Kingston do not have the right to go to City Hall and hear from the candidates looking to lead their city. Furthermore it is a disgrace to his late brother's memory, and to the city he represents.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Richy Cahill Wastes No Time to Suck Gallo's Balls
Rich Cahill the Conservative that sold his soul to Gallo over a Fire Commisioner appointment loves to attack our blog. Usually instead of being a man about it he will write snarky comments on his blog anonymously. Afterwe posted the Omertà Report last night Cahill wrote two stories based on information he read on our blog, instead bashing us he should send us a thank you letter.
Cahill wasted no time in sucking Gallo's balls about the number of signatures his campaign collected and secondly questioned whether Kevin Cahill endorsed Noble last week. We read the story in the Freeman and it sounded like an endorsement to us. Rich claimed the succesful Cahill is too crafty politically to endorse in a primary, you know like Gallo did last year when he endorsed Zimet over Cahill, a woman that didn't even stay in the race more than a few weeks. But Gallo gets a pass. What the fuck am I talkin about here just a few days Rich opined himself that Cahill and Hoffay were doing it to help Noble and how popularity was not transferable blah blah blah, so what are we splitting hairs is there any question who Kevin Cahill is voting for? We stand by our post from last night, in out opinion Cahill endorsed Noble in a politically crafty way to quote little Richy.
Lastly richy Cahill always pretends that someone called him and that he doesn't read our blog, in reality he checks probably 15 times a day. And if someone did call him it's because like him people read this blog in great volume. We are without a doubt the best sourse for politics in this county. There is no one more knowledgable about Kingston and County politics than me. I have sources with power players in every political family, included several elected officials. Our information is the best it's honest, it's direct, it's funny and Cahill is a jealous little bitch because his doesn't even come close to our blog and he's been doing it for five times as long. Rich is lucky we mentioned him today because now he'll get the attention he most desperately craves. And you're welcome Richard for the information you get off this blog to write your own.
Cahill wasted no time in sucking Gallo's balls about the number of signatures his campaign collected and secondly questioned whether Kevin Cahill endorsed Noble last week. We read the story in the Freeman and it sounded like an endorsement to us. Rich claimed the succesful Cahill is too crafty politically to endorse in a primary, you know like Gallo did last year when he endorsed Zimet over Cahill, a woman that didn't even stay in the race more than a few weeks. But Gallo gets a pass. What the fuck am I talkin about here just a few days Rich opined himself that Cahill and Hoffay were doing it to help Noble and how popularity was not transferable blah blah blah, so what are we splitting hairs is there any question who Kevin Cahill is voting for? We stand by our post from last night, in out opinion Cahill endorsed Noble in a politically crafty way to quote little Richy.
Lastly richy Cahill always pretends that someone called him and that he doesn't read our blog, in reality he checks probably 15 times a day. And if someone did call him it's because like him people read this blog in great volume. We are without a doubt the best sourse for politics in this county. There is no one more knowledgable about Kingston and County politics than me. I have sources with power players in every political family, included several elected officials. Our information is the best it's honest, it's direct, it's funny and Cahill is a jealous little bitch because his doesn't even come close to our blog and he's been doing it for five times as long. Rich is lucky we mentioned him today because now he'll get the attention he most desperately craves. And you're welcome Richard for the information you get off this blog to write your own.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
The Omerta Report
Petition Season is over and now the election really begins to take shape and we at Kingston Goodfellas are really excited.
In the County Executive race Mike Hein will be on the Democratic line, which could end up being his only line as he faces a challenge on the WFP line from Fred Rasmussen who is a member of the Working Families Party and working hard to win the support of his party. A Green party candidate has also filled petitions, Hunter Downing, like Fred he is with the railroad and they pan to steam roll over Hein so the tracks stay in Ulster county. Terry Bernardo, former chair of county legislature, who has signifigant Dem support will appear on the Republican, Independence and Conservative lines.
Shayne Gallo, author of a new book coming out this fall, how to lose an election without really trying, filled petitions to run on the conservative party line. Gallo to be fair is the most Conservative candidate in the race but this will not help Gallo in the Democratic primary. It does give him good placement on the ballot if he takes the race to the November election to have all Kingston voters decide his fate.
Gallo and Noble both filled Democratic petitions, Noble got 895 to Gallo's 700...pretty even and impressive on Mayor G's part, that's a lot of signatures without support of the Democratic committee.
Ron Polacco filed petitions for the Republican, Independence and Conservative lines and looks to be in good shape as the Democratic civil war is about to go in full swing. Polacco has a good shot of becoming the first Republican in twenty yrs to take the front office at City Hall.
Steve Noble did get a nice boost in his campaign the other day, with Assemblyman Kevin Cahill endorsing his candidacy over Gallo. That's a big fucking deal. Cahill likes to play it close to the vest and to come out against the sitting Mayor even if he's a lunatic, that's a big deal. It shows the confidence the party and leaders in the community like Kevin have in Noble's race in the Democratic Primary.
Crazy Joe DiFalco made some boo boos on some of Gallo's Aldermadic candidate's Independence petitions; Andrew Champ Doran and Tony Davis (who we also support) will not appear on the Indy line in the November election after DiFalco failed to identify the City and County on their petitions respectively.
Dean Fabiano was cross endorsed for County Leg by the County Democratic committee after making a deal with our party that he would support Peter Loughran or Hector when the chairmanship votes comes in January. Put it this way, he made a deal that he would not back Parete. We are very unhappy with this deal, the way the party continues to disrespect John Parete amazes us, he's a former boss that achieved great things and made our family the majority party in Ulster county. Mike Hein, Paul Van Blarcum, Elliott Auerbach and countless others are enjoying the fruit of John's hard work. It wasn't too long ago that our conventions were held in telephone booths, not the fucking Holiday Inn with a standing room only crowd.
Speaking of deals we hear Fred Wadnola has made a deal with Jim Maloney to make town clerk Linda McDonough the Supervisor. Linda who wants to be Supervisor is a little worried about beating Quigley's people at the caucus and knows he wont challenge Fred. The plan is to make Fred the candidate, and have Maloney stack the committee on vacancies so Wadnola can step down before September and the committee will appoint McDonough to represent the ticket in his place. And with no Democratic Opponent, essentially that three member committee will be electing her the next town supervisor. Absolute power, corrupts absolutly!
In the County Executive race Mike Hein will be on the Democratic line, which could end up being his only line as he faces a challenge on the WFP line from Fred Rasmussen who is a member of the Working Families Party and working hard to win the support of his party. A Green party candidate has also filled petitions, Hunter Downing, like Fred he is with the railroad and they pan to steam roll over Hein so the tracks stay in Ulster county. Terry Bernardo, former chair of county legislature, who has signifigant Dem support will appear on the Republican, Independence and Conservative lines.
Shayne Gallo, author of a new book coming out this fall, how to lose an election without really trying, filled petitions to run on the conservative party line. Gallo to be fair is the most Conservative candidate in the race but this will not help Gallo in the Democratic primary. It does give him good placement on the ballot if he takes the race to the November election to have all Kingston voters decide his fate.
Gallo and Noble both filled Democratic petitions, Noble got 895 to Gallo's 700...pretty even and impressive on Mayor G's part, that's a lot of signatures without support of the Democratic committee.
Ron Polacco filed petitions for the Republican, Independence and Conservative lines and looks to be in good shape as the Democratic civil war is about to go in full swing. Polacco has a good shot of becoming the first Republican in twenty yrs to take the front office at City Hall.
Steve Noble did get a nice boost in his campaign the other day, with Assemblyman Kevin Cahill endorsing his candidacy over Gallo. That's a big fucking deal. Cahill likes to play it close to the vest and to come out against the sitting Mayor even if he's a lunatic, that's a big deal. It shows the confidence the party and leaders in the community like Kevin have in Noble's race in the Democratic Primary.
Crazy Joe DiFalco made some boo boos on some of Gallo's Aldermadic candidate's Independence petitions; Andrew Champ Doran and Tony Davis (who we also support) will not appear on the Indy line in the November election after DiFalco failed to identify the City and County on their petitions respectively.
Dean Fabiano was cross endorsed for County Leg by the County Democratic committee after making a deal with our party that he would support Peter Loughran or Hector when the chairmanship votes comes in January. Put it this way, he made a deal that he would not back Parete. We are very unhappy with this deal, the way the party continues to disrespect John Parete amazes us, he's a former boss that achieved great things and made our family the majority party in Ulster county. Mike Hein, Paul Van Blarcum, Elliott Auerbach and countless others are enjoying the fruit of John's hard work. It wasn't too long ago that our conventions were held in telephone booths, not the fucking Holiday Inn with a standing room only crowd.
Speaking of deals we hear Fred Wadnola has made a deal with Jim Maloney to make town clerk Linda McDonough the Supervisor. Linda who wants to be Supervisor is a little worried about beating Quigley's people at the caucus and knows he wont challenge Fred. The plan is to make Fred the candidate, and have Maloney stack the committee on vacancies so Wadnola can step down before September and the committee will appoint McDonough to represent the ticket in his place. And with no Democratic Opponent, essentially that three member committee will be electing her the next town supervisor. Absolute power, corrupts absolutly!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Gallo Sinks his Anchor for Midtown Kingston
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Gallo's once bold plan to make this building his anchor for the rehabilitation of midtown Kingston and the centerpiece of his administration, is now more like a sinking ship, and the same can be said about his administration, the people are realizing the Mayor Gallo they thought they were electing and had so much hope tied into has been gone for many years."
Gallo called the Bank of America building his anchor for Midtown Kingston three years ago when he announced that the Bank had released the property to the city for $1 and claimed at the time he had the funding in place to transform the bank into KPD headquarters an idea we supported, makes sense, next year Kingston voters will elect a second full time Judge and Judge Kirschner will need the extra room. ;~) Also to revitalize Midtown, why not have a police presence right in Midtown?! However that plan failed like most of the Kingston Capo's promises ( getting a building at Kings Inn, building a police station, creating quality of life task force), like most bipolar skitzos, Gallo shoots from the hip, gets excited about something and a week later he gets bored with it and is licking a window, paranoid another imaginary enemy is out there plotting against him.
We kid about Shayne but it's no laughing matter, the man is fucking sick, he needs help, he's brilliant and suffers with undiagnosed bipolar, has severe daddy issues and needs therapy. Here we are advocating therapy, in the old day therapy was given to us in the back of the head. Now we got this one in fucking rehab, that one in therapy..who says gangsters are just impulsive creatures that cant evolve? Problem with Gallo is he hasn't evolved, he's stubborn, a typical old school gangster that sees getting help as a sign of weakness and that will lead to his down fall come September. The guy could be Attorney General if he got his act together, he's that fucking smart. His mental heath issues are so severe though that it gets in the way of his judgement and costs the city money and he's too dangerous, too much of a liability to keep him. Rumor is Gallo was forced to sell the bank of America building to cover Chris Rea's back pay and lawyer fees. ;~)
On paper the bank sale looks like a good deal, they acquired the property from the bank for $1 and sold for $365k, well at least we know when he loses this November, he can join Hayes and Andy in the Real Estate business because that's where all the failed mayoral candidates seem to land and that's a hell of a profit Gallo got with Bank of America, he's off to a great start!!
The problem is he was able to get the building from Bank of America because he promised it would be used as a tool to help Midtown Kingston. However it was sold to a developer that has a less than stellar record with completing these sort of projects in Kingston. The developer was the same guy that got tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars from the City to build the Noah Hotel. After many years of one failed promise after another, the Noah Hotel never developed, the guy finally admitted he didn't have the money to do it. And we doubt this guy ever paid the money back he owes to the city but we don't know that for sure but it's safe to assume he probably did not.
So Gallo gets the bank of America to give their property away for $1 under the premise it would be used by the city as a police station to better Kingston. Then Gallo declares that this is the anchor of his plan for midtown and he gives that anchor which represents a big chunk of his legacy as Mayor, to a guy who's from NYC and his only claim to fame was that he jerked off Kingston taxpayers for years while getting money from the city on a project he never completed. . What the Fuck are we dealing with heree???? No one is talking about this yet but if Noble takes a piss wrong its on front page of every paper w Gallo bitching and complaining. This is a huge blunder by Mayor G. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Gallo's once bold plan to make this building his anchor for rehabilitation for midtown Kingston and the centerpiece of his administration, is now more like a sinking ship, and the same can be said about his administration, the people are realizing the Mayor Gallo they thought they were electing and had so much hope tied into, has been gone for many years.
While the City is not required to go out to bid with this, they should of, especially being Gallo got it under the premise it would be used better the community. There should have been a process. Instead Gallo gives his Anchor toward saving midtown to literally the first guy that came along and made an offer, a guy that has proven he's incompetent with his previous dealings with the City to boot. Plus this guy has yet to offer what his plan is for the property in detail, other than vaguely saying he'll do mixed commercial retail. So we are supposed to believe that a guy that did shit before is going to spend close to a million to restore this building AND also rent out the space to retailers in Midtown Kingston of all places? Yeah, OK Gallo, you believe that than I got an Ark to sell you, it's nice, Jesus had it built. Our Family needs to stop the madness we can not reelect this stunade as Mayor and defacto leader of the family.
Im not crazy, Im just like you, see?!! |
A Nightmare In Ulster
Fred Wadnola, is running for Supervisor of the town of Ulster. Jeez, this guy is like a horror movie, once you think he's gone and they finally got rid of him, he comes out of his hole and raises havoc, on all town of Ulster residents. One two Freddys coming for you, three four better lock your door... the guy was an awful supervisor, did even worse with his handling of the RRA as Chair of the County Legislature and now he wants back in? We will give credit where credit is due, he is savy, he has at least three pensions and has never lost an election in his life which is impressive. But Really Quigs, you cant come up with a better successor? The Republicans in Ulster are like the Democrats in Kingston, they are the majority party, control everything but are in a huge civil war. Quigley and Maloney are fighting hardcore, they hate one another. Marrow is on and off with Quigley and we hear Quigley does not want Linda McDonough to be supervisor but we hear she is a Wadnola allie so Fred may not be Quigley's pick.
Eric Kitchen or John Marrow would be much better as Supervisor of the town. Or even better our family can wake up and capitalize on the gop civil war in Ulster and take back the Supervisor's office and retire Wadnola once and for all, we can frame the election like a horror movie too: The Wad, the Final Chapter in poll booths everywhere November 3rd.
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